Sabrine Mohamed Salah Nfata

Resume Check

I uploaded my CV in the same way I uploaded my recommendations letters but my recommandations letter I see that they are checked and the icone is green , but the CV it appears as if I did not upload it like it is undone like the interview which is not yet done.

Submitted on 18 Mar 2018 12:34

Webmaster Peace Revolution

We've got your resume already. You don't need to upload again.


Submitted on 18 Mar 2018 15:18 from Ariya App

Meryem Bouatra


I have a similar problem, i would like to apply to Heya Fellowship 2018 but i can't upload my CV, Certifications, Recommandation lettrers , Passport etc, when i upload it takes long time and it does not reply. Is there anyway to send them by email?

Thank you in advance

Submitted on 21 Mar 2018 16:35 from Ariya App