Eugenia Torres Marín

Error In The Self Depelopment Program

Hello Peace Revolution Community,
I am Eugenia Torres Marín. I am 22 years old and come from Spain.
I am very interested in your programs, in special, in the international Followship inThailand. I am doing the self-development program of 42 days.
I have completed two days of the course (yesterday and before yesterday). Both were saved correctly (I pressed the bottom of "save" and received the notification of "well done"). But today I have seen my session and the "day 2" does not appeared (the locks to write the textes are empty). It is like I would not have written the "day 2". Besides, the email that I received of congratulation for having completed a new day, was the same like day 1, the congratulation was: congratulations for having completed day 1!. It is maybe an error of the web application. I would like to know if i can recover the posts of day 2 and if they can appear in the historial of day 2. I am very excited with the project. And I can not keep on completing the self-development program because in day 3 there is a message that says that I have to do day 2 firstly before keep on.
Please, write me soon. 
All my bests,
Eugenia Torres Marín

Submitted on 9 Apr 2016 20:39

Andrii Lytvynenko


There is an issue with SDP if you stay on the page when do second day after committing the first one, I'll fix it one day..

For now: You have 2 instances of SDP, it's ok Choose any of them and continue You'll have to save the second day again, but you can put the actual date (no more than 3 days before the current date)


Submitted on 11 Apr 2016 07:32 from Ariya App