Natalia Pratiwi
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story :)
My most important teacher is an outlier in the traditional academic sense: my illiterate mother. She might be “poor” and “uneducated” to everyone else, but to me, she represents a treasure-trove of wisdom. “No condition is permanent. You must keep focused and get a good education,” she usually says to me. I listen.
I apply my mother advice not only in my own life; I also use it as a force to positively impact my country’s educational system.
My mother knows quite a bit about reversals of fortune and the importance of education. I grew up in a very large family. My father married seven wives, with my mother being the last wife. I have 23 siblings – not counting the ones who passed away. During his heyday, my father managed contractors at the Firestone Rubber Company in Liberia. While I had not been born at the time, I am told that my father was relatively well off, which explains his ability to take on so many wives when polygamy was in vogue in Liberia. However, my father did not use formal banks to save; he used his mattress. He lost everything during the Liberian civil war.
My mother believes that had my father received a decent education, not only would he have chosen a more formal savings vehicle, he would have managed his money better. She has thus dedicated her life to ensuring that my siblings and I achieve higher education. But even without her prompting, I know that education is the surest way out of poverty. I have chosen to pursue academic excellence to the fullest, because I know that education transforms not only individuals, but also nations.
Academic malpractices – sex for grades, bribes, etc. – pervade Liberian schools, and have the potential to stifle long-term development in my country.
Teachers collect tens of thousands of dollars from students in exchange for grades. Some teachers even go as far as demanding sex from students in exchange for good grades. This appalling phenomenon is so entrenched in Liberian schools that it is now accepted as a way of life. Liberia suffered massive brain drain during the civil war, when hundreds of thousands of Liberians – including teachers and school administrators fled the country for safety. Today, most of the teachers are people who cannot get jobs in other sectors so they find the teaching profession as an alternative. As a result of these malpractices, the education sector produces graduates who lack the capacity to positively contribute to society. This, in turn, creates a vicious cycle of corruption, bad governance, and lawlessness at the national scale.
I am determined to eliminate academic malpractices from Liberian schools.
In March of 2008, I founded a student organization called Students Against Destructive Actions and Decisions (SADAD), which aims to eliminate academic malpractices and violence in Liberian schools. Prior to my graduation, I used my personal resources to run the organization, including mobilizing volunteers, and conducting community and media outreach. Upon my graduation in 2010, SADAD became a registered NGO with networking structures in ten schools in Montserrado County. During the May 2012 national exams, SADAD assigned 73 monitoring agents at various testing centers to supervise the exams. Due to our intervention and the Exam Council’s efforts, we saw an unprecedented drop in fraud cases – below 1985 levels. It was a huge victory for us.
When I reflect on my personal trajectory and the factors that have nudged me along, my mother has been the single most influential figure in my life. She did not have the opportunity to get a formal education; but then thought me all it takes for me to look into the future. You can also look into the future. Go to a quiet place. Take a deep breath, close your eyes without distraction and reflect on a situation or issue that is negatively affecting your community. Open your eyes. Now say to yourself. “I must take the lead in solving this menace.
My most important teacher is an outlier in the traditional academic sense: my illiterate mother. She might be “poor” and “uneducated” to everyone else, but to me, she represents a treasure-trove of wisdom. “No condition is permanent. You must keep focused and get a good education,” she usually says to me. I listen.
I apply my mother advice not only in my own life; I also use it as a force to positively impact my country’s educational system.
My mother knows quite a bit about reversals of fortune and the importance of education. I grew up in a very large family. My father married seven wives, with my mother being the last wife. I have 23 siblings – not counting the ones who passed away. During his heyday, my father managed contractors at the Firestone Rubber Company in Liberia. While I had not been born at the time, I am told that my father was relatively well off, which explains his ability to take on so many wives when polygamy was in vogue in Liberia. However, my father did not use formal banks to save; he used his mattress. He lost everything during the Liberian civil war.
My mother believes that had my father received a decent education, not only would he have chosen a more formal savings vehicle, he would have managed his money better. She has thus dedicated her life to ensuring that my siblings and I achieve higher education. But even without her prompting, I know that education is the surest way out of poverty. I have chosen to pursue academic excellence to the fullest, because I know that education transforms not only individuals, but also nations.
Academic malpractices – sex for grades, bribes, etc. – pervade Liberian schools, and have the potential to stifle long-term development in my country.
Teachers collect tens of thousands of dollars from students in exchange for grades. Some teachers even go as far as demanding sex from students in exchange for good grades. This appalling phenomenon is so entrenched in Liberian schools that it is now accepted as a way of life. Liberia suffered massive brain drain during the civil war, when hundreds of thousands of Liberians – including teachers and school administrators fled the country for safety. Today, most of the teachers are people who cannot get jobs in other sectors so they find the teaching profession as an alternative. As a result of these malpractices, the education sector produces graduates who lack the capacity to positively contribute to society. This, in turn, creates a vicious cycle of corruption, bad governance, and lawlessness at the national scale.
I am determined to eliminate academic malpractices from Liberian schools.
In March of 2008, I founded a student organization called Students Against Destructive Actions and Decisions (SADAD), which aims to eliminate academic malpractices and violence in Liberian schools. Prior to my graduation, I used my personal resources to run the organization, including mobilizing volunteers, and conducting community and media outreach. Upon my graduation in 2010, SADAD became a registered NGO with networking structures in ten schools in Montserrado County. During the May 2012 national exams, SADAD assigned 73 monitoring agents at various testing centers to supervise the exams. Due to our intervention and the Exam Council’s efforts, we saw an unprecedented drop in fraud cases – below 1985 levels. It was a huge victory for us.
When I reflect on my personal trajectory and the factors that have nudged me along, my mother has been the single most influential figure in my life. She did not have the opportunity to get a formal education; but then thought me all it takes for me to look into the future. You can also look into the future. Go to a quiet place. Take a deep breath, close your eyes without distraction and reflect on a situation or issue that is negatively affecting your community. Open your eyes. Now say to yourself. “I must take the lead in solving this menace.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story :)
Great brother for sharing with us. Peace
thank you for sharing this with us. Not only your story but also your analysis about education. Let me tell you i can agree more with you, and I truly believe your mother is one wisdom woman
. In my opinion education it should be the base the top priority in our society. And is sad the only people who seem to genuinely understand that are the ones who have been deprived of that. But I also think we need to rethink the methods of education. Only memorizing laws, equations, and historical moments. The system is like, if you are good in maths and all your grades are good, then GREAT, take your certificate. I mean, Really?. They are educating machines able to do whatever task they are supposed to do, I won't argue about that; But then, don't be so surprised when that machine training to do it job in exchange of money, don't care about what's the purpose of it job or even if it's affecting someone else life.
I believe this problem is also because of the people who work in the educational system. They don't have the qualifications. Sure, maybe they know about the subject... but being able to teach is another matter. And most important, CARE about teaching is another matter. That's why we find people who take advantage of their students. That's why I believe the system must change. Give priority to inside knowledge, give kids and teenagers a deepest view of our problems as society so they can understand why laws work they way they do. Don't teach them a equation without telling them the benefits of learning about it.
Thank you. And I've to tell you again, your mother is a wise woman. be proud (but I'm sure you already are) and she seems to have rise a really wise man as well.
hugs from Colombia
Brilliant Thoughts Peace Rebel.
you just made a very informative narrative about education, goal i have three question about the meaning of education? the true mean of education? the link betweens education and successul and engaged life as i can read you said That your mother was uneducated but my analysis is That your mother was moore than educated people of today, She Knew how to make of you a good person by giving some advices and showing the good road to follow. God bless Her.
Aminata Siahoué from Ivory Coast
I surely Believe you and I have the same view about my mother and any other person that will follow her foot step. For me, She is more than Educated.