Tech Pov
Dear Peace Rebels,
After finishing the Self development program, whether or not could I get the certificate of accomplishment ? If it is possible, please give me one.
Dear all Peace Rebels,
Today on May 30th if you experience a difficulty visiting the website, it is because the server will be moved to a new location. This will help solve a problem of slow access to the website that has been disturbing some of us for at least a year. As a result, you might not be able to access the website for one or two days.
We would like to apologize for this inconvinence and a very short notice.
Dear Peace Rebels,
After finishing the Self development program, whether or not could I get the certificate of accomplishment ? If it is possible, please give me one.
The moving is finished. If you experience any difficulties, Please help report any possible errors in the technical support wall.
Dear Tech Chea Pov,
When you have finished the online 42-day program, there will not be any certificate provided. But if you were chosen to join one of the fellowships either in Thailand, Europe and Latin America, you would be provided a certificate.