Julia Grimoldi

I hope I can share the picure with you today !
Best! PIPO
this is very nice picture Julia, full of light :)
Thank you !!!!! =) I hope so !!
Beautiful Julia says a lot!
really nice!!
Hi julia nice pic, how did tou upload your, want to upload mine and can't do it...
Thank you for the comments!
Well.. I tried everything!! There are some options to do it. It was very difficult for me, took me a day. Keeo on insisting!
nice picture Julia :)
nice :) You chosed the best colours
Thank you all !!! :D
Interesting picture Julia. Can you describe it, what you wanted to express?
The crossing legs are represented by the Infinit sign,and so it's the head-body part. Then, the red points: the one in the tammy is trying to represent the center of the body, and the one in the front I had to add it yo, because every time I meditate I feel something there, like warm. The red out side the body is the energy emanating from the body.. and then it becomes clearer and clerar.. Something like that ! But I you felt it differently it's all right too !