ömer şahin
hi yulia
You dont need to invite everyone. you can do it. only dont afraıd and belıeve yourself
Today I first tried the meditaion wih Peace Revolution project and truly enjoed it, though I had some problems with concentration.
Then I started watching the videos of the project and suddenly got scared.
Will I need to 'invite' as many firends as possible to continue my participation in the program?
My phylisophy is: teach when people are ready to be taught. And speaking about meditation and trying to make other people participate in it is something which I call brain washing.
Is this program one like this 'invite your friends' and 'tell about us to everybody' one?
hi yulia
You dont need to invite everyone. you can do it. only dont afraıd and belıeve yourself
Dear Yulia,
First of all this is a self development program, the most important here is your own practice of meditation and your inner peace. If you want to participate to the fellowship you have to make and especial ops, and that consist in sharing your IPT at least with 5 persons who are interested on meditation or someone you would like to share this experience. So, don't worry be happy, and continue with your IPT. :)
Thank you all for your responses! :) You helped a lot!
Recuerda Inicia por ti. Cuando tengas una etapa superior en ti, se proyectará para todos sin detenerte a pensar en cuántos o a quiénes. Abrazos