Kuldeep Singh
Look interesting ..all the best Yuliya :)
Dear Friends,
A Latvian NGO that is a partner of the association where I work wants to organise a youth project on the topic of meditation. Unfortunately, it is only for European organisations because our aim is to get funding from the EU Commission's programme "Youth in Action". If you know an organisation from an EU country that would like to be our partner for the development of this project, let me know, or contact Evita, the Latvian organiser (nadias@inbox.lv).
We are also planning to organise a Special OPS during the project if it is approved and to introduce the participants and the local community to the Peace Revolution and inspire them for the self-development programme, to promote peace in the world through inner peace :)
This is the short description of the project that is already written as a proposal, so we just need one or two more partners to spread peace through meditation :)
Youth exchange project „Youth for Youth, new understanding of meditation” is due to take place in Latvia, guest house "Kalniņi” in July, 2013. 20 youngsters from different countries in Europe will share in their meditation experience, present their meditation traditions/ techniques, participate in number of practical meditation workshops, as also take part in discussions centred on debate around practical side of meditation (it’s effect on different aspects of our lifes), meanwhile creating integrative meditation technique, that in the end of the project will be presented to local community. Because this dimension in Europe is veiled with stereotypes and deformed interpretations, each of team will have home task- to find out the 3 most popular stereotypes about meditation among youth in their country. During the Youh exchange we all together will find out the 3 most common stereotypes in our countries and by using different informal education methods (art therapy methods, presentations, group work, storm of ideas) every next day we’ll take time to create new understanding about meditation. All this process will be documented in documental movie, that will be spread in 3 scholls in each of countrie, as the material in which we- youngsters from different EU countries will break an existing stereotypes, while presenting new approach to meditation- more practical and usable in our daily lifes.
With love,
Look interesting ..all the best Yuliya :)
Thank you, Kuldeep! :) We submitted and the project and we will see what happens, I hope we will be able to realize it :)
it is a good initiation is there any scope for us to associate with you because we are struggeling for the violence affected people still peace and security is a question mark .