melcita :)

Drawing - Meditation Experience - Day 18

The gray silhouette is me in the meditation position. I didn't draw anything inside it like my face, my body, etc. because when meditating the physical part dissapears, that's why I just kept it white in the inside. The yellow circle is the center of my body and the rays that come from it have expanded to all my body because that's when I am full of peace. Then, what surrounds the silhouette of my body are more silhouettes in yellow, which are bigger and bigger each time meaning the expansion I feel when meditating. It's like if I was bigger and the material things in the room disappear :)

Submitted on 22 Jan 2013 20:17

Ma Bat Ankor

<p> The gray silhouette is me in the meditation position. I didn&#39;t draw anything inside it like my face, my body, etc. because when meditating the physical part dissapears, that&#39;s why I just kept it white in the inside. The yellow circle is the center of my body and the rays that come from it have expanded to all my body because that&#39;s when I am full of peace. Then, what surrounds the silhouette of my body are more silhouettes in yellow, which are bigger and bigger each time meaning the expansion I feel when meditating. It&#39;s like if I was bigger and the material things in the room disappear :)</p>

Submitted on 22 Jan 2013 20:17 from Ariya App

Mahala Lewis

Beautiful !

Submitted on 26 Jan 2013 21:03 from Ariya App