Julenne Esquinca
This was the first medmob in Mexico city, I will post photos of the next one...

4 days till International Day of Peace 2012...What is a "medmob"?
A Medmob is a global meditation flashmob for world peace. Hundreds of people from different cities come together in public places to promote creating inner peace as the means to create world peace. On the 21st of September, International day of peace, www.bethepeace.com is encouraging the global citizens to meditate together in their cities, towns, schools, work places. On the 21st of September, the world will meditate together.
How do we make a stand that really makes a difference? By sitting down, closing our eyes, and connecting to the peace that arises from within. We are one…Together, we are creating a world where inner & outer peace is the normal way of life. Together, we are creating history!
Here you can see the map http://events.vajrasong.com/, and all the places with the meditation icon, is a place where they are organizing a medmob on the 21st of September, if you are in that city, why not join them...or, if there isn't one in your city or town u can organize your own...no medmob is too big or too small.
This was the first medmob in Mexico city, I will post photos of the next one...
Hi, l am very happy for this international peace day!!! So l will also join with the peace rebels from Lima-Peru Peace out :)
So looking forward to celebrating the International Day of Peace. And wow Jule, you medmob is inspirational!
Peace <3
Having our medmob here too...I'm looking forward to connecting with the world... If you are having a medmob please take a pic and share with us...I will too... :-)
We had a lovely meditation in peace rebels house Kateryn Hidalgo Wong.
The second medmob, organized by a close friend and I was present as Peace Revolution Mexico