Pedro Scarsi
cool, i like this equation... simple, i like that to my life
cool, i like this equation... simple, i like that to my life
Thank you Pedro.
While there are many people working on the Outer Peace, you can learn to cultivate the Inner Peace for yourself here. If you are new to it, just try the meditation MP3. Some people may feel struggling at first, but you will feel gradually improvement after a while. It does not cost you anything to try it. And it's actually free medicine to everyone =).
trying it now....:)
That's right, so simple...good observation Pedro..
One of my hero's is Albert Einstein, (who I think was a peace rebel in his own right) said "...Everything in life should be made as simple as possible..."
start from myself, from inside....
i have sumerised the eqation further to
Thank you Anguyo
Another Peace Revolution jargon is
Peace In Peace Out ...
(You need to have the Peace Within in order to create the Peace Without)
That can be shortened as PIPO!
that is so cool PIPO is very short and fabulous
I try with you too
Greetings to everyone!!! What one has to do to forget about the past, actually things that have hurt him or her in the past??
Hello William Mabidwana forgeting the past is easy and the best way to deal with it is to keep your self away from things that keep reminding it and keep telling yourself to "forget the past" .
Hi William, I think that is a very good question. Very applicable to the peace revolution.
Our culture is designed these days, for us to get so caught up in our reactions to things that we do not always realize how amazing it is to be a human being… For me, what is means to be a human being is to live with tremendous potential…
As human beings we have the potential to Love unconditionally, to take care of our fellows, to learn, to discover, to create, to turn anger into loving-kindness…and we have the potential to FORGIVE.
When there have been people in the past that have hurt and harmed me, and when it is particularly difficult for me to forgive them…I consciously share loving-kindness with them during inner peace time. Meditation aims at making a still mind. Such mind is powerful that can expand and radiate, you can expand your still and peaceful mind, that is filled with purity and loving-kindness, to those persons that have hurt you. I have always found this helps me to forgive.
There are some amazing people in this world that shows us that this IS possible to forgive people, even if they have done the unforgiveable to us.
I use for example, one of my great heroes, Nelson Mandela. He was imprisoned unfairly for 27 years, (this is my whole lifetime)! Yet, he CHOSE to forgive his captors… even if they were not justified in doing so. His reaction could’ve been so different. Sometimes I think to myself, if he could forgive those people, I can also forgive those that have harmed me in the past.
There is such a freedom is letting the past go…with Forgiveness.
That feeling of hurt will keep your mind there in the past…in a way it will hold you prisoner - until you let go of it.
Sometimes it is not easy, most of the times it is very very difficult to let go of the past…BUT, you can do it. Even if it means forgiving over and over again, each day, until you have completely let go.
To forgive others, is harnessing a very true part of yourself.
here is a great quote "The Intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind a faithful servant, we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein
hi hi
trust me this equation works works, to change the world you to begin with I so it does work and its working for me! i love it
Great! Nice equation! And this is almost true in many cases if you have peace inner side than the whole world would be see positively by your eyes bu if this is not the case so than bad things happen with much more worse results.........
Hi Everyone,
I am based in San Francisco and would like to meet other Peace Rebels around the area. If anyone is interested in getting together to meditate and share experiences. Do feel free to leave a message/comment. Cheers!
Let's rebel for peace! Brian
Hello Everyone Im from South Africa and enjoying the Peace Revolution concept a lot so far. I thought id share with you where i find the most peace, and that is in nature.
Keep well
if i may summarize, "to forgive and to forget" (is it Mandelas's saying?)
Hey again guys, I really enjoyed reading your responses for my question, I have learned a lot from your comments !!
Thank you very much lets keep it going, I mean PEACE
Hello PIPO,
I am Called Ram, from the Pearl of Africa, Uganda for every oness' information,
Well this is still in response of William's Question, Forgeting the Past, unlike Anguyo's thought i do not think its easy to forget things that hurt you in the past, though my input is learn to forgive the perpetraiters that hurt you in the past, learn to forgive, with that you will feel better your self and you will be at peace with your self...
see youas you welcome peace in your life...
People finds it difficult to to venture into a new thing because they are afraid of failing while trying. So people finds it hard to try some thing new.
hye to all just joined like few hours ago and really looking forward to learn more and have inner growth coz in these world of today you cant find peace not unless ur at peace with yourself first.it all starts with u then the rest follow........
Hi all! I'm Onon from Mongolia. I joined LDI program in Thailand and started to meditate there.
I want to share my golden experience at first. :)) Who has never meditated before or just started to meditate, just not try to meditate. :))
Cause at first whenever I close my eyes I forced not to thinking, and mumbling in myself "Meditate, not think", expected something before it and so on. And ofcourse my meditation didn't go well and it took so long time until...
One of the teaching monks told us whenever you close your eyes, don't think about that you are going to meditate. Start every single meditation that it's your first time.
His word helped me to meditate very well. And it improved just in that day. :))
I hope his word help for someone. Peace :)) Onon.B
Hi Everyone
I'm called Chris. I'm from South Africa, and recently joined the Peace Revolution.
Today is my first day to actually partake in the activities and suggestions here. I have done some different forms of meditation, practised stillness of mind and love and devotion in all that I do. However, I've never really made peace, meditation and stillness an integral part of my being.
Here's hoping that'll change.
Hi everyone,
I'm Pawanratn C. or call me "na". I'm very happy to join Peace Revolution Community. This special community will remind me to think good, say good and do good every minutes.
This is my first time to say Hi. I talk to you later and hope to meet you all in Thailand.
Have a great peace day! na
Hi There, I am interested in Meeting with peace activities in whole of the world
Hi Richard, where are you from?
The LRA has become a threat, Many have been killed espicailly young children of 7 years and above. The most recent attack has left over 30,000 people displaced in western Equatoria Southern Sudan, the present siutation is now affecting Congo, Central african Republic and may also extend to Chad. Hi guys, As peace Lovers, what must be done to see that the LRA issue is handle amicabily??
Anita, Richard is from Southern Sudan
Hello everyone,
my name is Fulvio and I'm from Italy. I joined the peacerevolution and I'm doing the selfdevelopment program.
I enjoy meditation, and am happy to meet you here.
Hello Richard,
The northern Uganda and southern sudan has been subjected to brutal acts of the LRA.
Things are chaging now and hope we will get peace soon in those areas.
We can share our loving kindness to our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers in those areas.
Hello everyone
It was delightful to read all your responses, questions and peace quotes. You all are wise people!!
And I am relly interested in "forgiving" and "letting go". Something I can say is that the most beautiful gift we can offer is forgiveness. Why? Because forgiving may be the most difficult thing in our lives. Forgiving makes us free, makes the world free of anger, free of hate, so that there´s only space for love.
Difficult things can happen to anyone, all of them help us to grow and be better persons. If we practice compassion, if we try to understand the others, if we try to be patient, a sparkle of love will shine inside ourselves. And as we practice forgiveness, we will have the power to smile and understand every single situation on our lives.
Meditation is the best tool for awareness and to feel our unconditional love, as Anita says, to be a human being is to be pure love, so, just let it flow!
I am happy to be part of this beautiful family, and happy to meet the new Peace Rebels, too.
I would like to share all my good deeds and all my loving kindness with all of you.
Keep smiling. Sunee
I am Kula...I have find meditating to be of a great benefit. It helps a whole lot, and continuous practise leads to a greater progress.
I think by given others the Chance is the start of Better Achievement. Remember everyone has their contribution to make. So, lend a hand someday and stay bless
Hello everyone. My name's Noy, a potential peace coach. I am pleased to know that we have a good soceity looking for real peace, I mean inner peace. Let's sit on a fine seat and close our eyes and relax. I believe you'll meet a miracle thing.
Hi, my name is Pedro and i introduce my self few days ago, now i doing some meditation looking for inner peace time and i have a few questions for all. One thing who i fell a little difficult its to bring the own forgive. I´m tire of wet regrets or when my mind bring to now all sad remembers, I don’t fell any benefits or profits having this, but in the meditation, some times my mind brings this fellings and wandering. PIPO my friends, Take care
Hi folks,
I'm Mary from New Zealand, had a go at this last year and got a bit distracted by issues going on in my life at the time so having a go at it again... am passionate about pursuing peace and the importance in having a spiritual centre to our lives.
Hi my name is steve, I have been meditating for a while now & have found it to be very helpful regarding self improvement, just recently i have started meditating regulary with a bhuddist monk,i think that a teacher is an important part of the path & im glad that the Bhudda brought him to me.
The more you practice the better it gets, just do it for the love of it
Hello Everybody,
Here's a Prayer for Peace in observance of the International day of Peace. Hope u do enjoy taking up a time to pray for lasting PEACE.
May there be peace in the higher realms; may there be peace in the firmament; may there be peace on earth.
May the waters flow peacefully; may the herbs and plants grow peacefully; may all the divine powers bring unto us peace.
The Supreme Lord is peace. May we all be in peace, peace, and only peace; and may that peace come unto each of us.
i loved the combination of the peace day and i like that my friends now understand inner peace and meditation and living in a peace ful society i am glad they would want to practice!
: D
smile for everybody.
I'm MangPor from Thailand. I really love meditation.
Hi brethrens,
How do we change the world when the bad ones are still with us, but one thing I am show of, is that good will always triumph over bad, so it is time we for as agent of peace, start the campaign for peace. It my pray that our Truth and Reconciliation Commission report does not stand as breeding ground for violence again in my country, I am calling on all of you my brethrens to keep my country in pray
Hey everyone.. Week one is up & would just like to share my merits with everyone. Thankyou!!
Sa..dhu Arigato
Hello everyone !
I am glad to join this initiative. I 1st time in my life experienced this meditation of course i heard a lot about it on the past but did not pay attention for such things And today is the day that I did it :) and u see i understood that one needs it on regular basis :) I enjoyed very much ! I found it sort of praying correct me if i am wrong .. I want that every body would to have PEACE not only in their brains but also their hearts :)
Hi everywone! This challenge is a great opportunity in our lives!
Yesterday I went to a stillness ceremony, It was a excellent experience.
And I´m working with my crew in a International proposal about a workshop of lidership. The theme is about how we can make changes in ourselves, our community and then our country with a Peace and Love culture development.
I´m from Paraguay, For the moment I´m visiting a friend in Alabama, US and take advantage to improve my english to help in the writing of my community projets.
I´m very glad to became part of this initiative.. =)
I´ll take this very seriuosly to create a positive change.
Hey!! Welcome all new comers...
Hello, everyone
I'm Bernardo, from Brazil. I regret for not finding out and starting this program before! My father is Buddhist, and I always knew something on the concept of meditation, and related things; but I never really tried it before. I'm glad I am now!
By the way, this is truly the most international and multicultural forum thread I've ever saw, after many years of Internet! It's unique, and revolutionary in some way!
Cheers, Bernardo
confess peace love and greatness everyday!
Thank you all for those words they relly help me think in a lot of things and helps me to use them in my life.
About forgiveness and the past I think IPT helps a lot. I am in a personal seek for forgiving my own past and for me is being a hard way. I relly want to forgive but I know that is a process and I am sure that when I get to do it I will feel free, with peace and of course very happy. I think that wheen we forgive we can look at our past with joy we don´t have to forget our past we have to forgive it and be able to look at it with love and not with sadness, anger or regrets. It ´s a hard way for some of us I guess but IPT helps a lot.
I am so thankful to be on this program and having the opportunity to share so many things from people from all around the world
Thank you all and peace maybe with you PIPO Natalia
Its spring in New Zealand.... Just like to share some natural beauty... Dharma in action...
Its spring in New Zealand.... Just like to share some natural beauty... Dharma in action...
Hello, my name is Rob, and I'm from Australia. I am starting to get used to meditating daily, although has been very difficult last few weeks as looking after grand children as pregnant daughter not very well. Baby is born now and home, with both mum and baby well. Now I will start to get some time of my own again.
The Venerable
i feel the world can charge into a better place with people like you who are peace loving.keep the inner peace flowing.meditating is a way to go
Hi Everyone! I am very new to this web.but I really love it. It is, like something to remind me to do good deeds ,to avoid doing bad,to remind me to discipline myself and to meditate every day.Thank you for who ever create this program. Kathy.
Hi everyone this sight is fantastic, in this crazy world of never ending worries, i think i am not the only one plagued by worries and anxieties and i will try to use the meditation to snap out of my problems, get inner peace and help others more. Unselfish acts are the best medicine for all ailments, I think.
peace and love D
This site is peace itself!If We had a million sites like this,the dream of peace would have been achieved along time ago but all the same we are getting there-one step at a time...a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step...the steps made are more than halfway!
Regarding your question, William Mabidwana Jiyana, on August 21st about how to deal with past hurts, I deal with it by not resisting the feelings, embracing them with my inner Divine Mother, soothing them. If possible I forgive the person who hurt me by understanding that they, and everyone, have a right to be at their current level of development. And then I tune into the present moment, increase my awareness of NOW. The teacher Ekhart Tolle is fabulous for this. I also make sure I am passionately involved in a project that helps the world so I don't have time to think about the past.
I am so thankful to all of you for being Peace. I believe in peace and love to rescue all the sadness and pain. Be peace and Be love. I've just joined
i am very new to this web.. and still studying this , i am very happy to join this
Hello to every one. I'm new in this work and recently I practice meditation. I experience having it last April but since I do not know how to do it, I stop. But when I found this site, I browse it and analyzed and review the following steps. I started to apply it in my daily life. But the question is, It's right to include in my every day meditation to have a question about my self to guide and enlighten me in my daily life.
It's just the way to dig something inside ourself that might have been overlooked or ignored and bring that up perspectively, I guess.
Besides, when our mind are in peace, we may analyze and review ourself better.
I joined this site a little more than a week now. I started to feel familiar with the daily Q&A, I found that it promotes the idea of discussions.
Hi!There is nothing that brings you deeper peace or more personal contentment than leading with the responsible, caring and cooperative values of your heart.
I every one,am Rogers from Uganda, Am new to this site and i come to know about peace revolution from a friend who encouraged me to start doing meditation but i found it interesting at the first day and i love doing it every day and am grateful to know about peace revolution.
Rogers well come hope to have Full moon meditation with you.
Finishing the whole IPT was great i still love meditation and am enjoying my special Ops
hey tush Eva am happy and thanks for welcoming me really am looking forward to have that full moon meditation with you. and i love doing meditation.
hi i have just arrived to this wonderful place that i am happy to have stumbled upon. i have been following my own version of buddhist philosophy for almost two years now and i have come a long way, a long way. i am a better person because of it and because i am a better person i want to do good things in this world and help others to become better as well. that seems to be the point of this program as well. i am always trying to stay connected to what it was that got me to the place i am now. every time i start to drift i pick up one of my buddhist books and read a few chapters. it brings me back to the way of thinking that i need to continue on my new and better path. that is why i am ere, to remain on my new ath, im just trying to stay the course.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Staring here is a youth from Bhutan identified by the name KARCHUNG. I have joined this site to instill HUMAN VALUES in my youthful blood to become a complete human.
I am hoping for the best.
See you around
My name is sonam Zangmo. I'm from Bhutan ..
Good luck.
i'm glad i found this movement
by the way i wrote that i don't feel comfortable giving out my last name, and they put that as my last name....lol.....
anyway, i'm a hindu, and i practice the yoga of devition and meditation!
peace out and merry christmas
I'm happy to have found this place. And it fills my heart with joy to see how many people are willing to bring peace into the world.
Peace and love to all!
Hi! I am Nina Bjork from Stockholm, Sweden. I am a person who appreciates peace love, everything that is harmonious, human values and aesthetic even more than before and wants to distinguish myself from other people by a new attitude to life to radiate love and peace. I want to achieve something amazing and am aware of my good physical resistance; I also know that I will be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired if I have an inner control. I certainly want a change in my life, a change for the better to feel even better and meet people totally outside my usual circle of friends. I know I am a workaholic, which has become sheer drudgery and at times as a GOD fearing person be a little too credulous, trusting and naïve which has been disturbing, upsetting, troubling and tormenting of the unjust, violence, meaningless killings etc. So I have decided to enroll myself on this site to which I was introduced to by Mr. Gengop Karchung. Lets a step at a time and make it to the GOAL.
My humble THANKS.
i understand the fact that you need to have the inner peace..what of the problems of family background,polygamous and extended family which i happen to come from and the pressures of your country,your city and moreover in the settings that we are,where everybody is rushing to make an impact...kindly shed more lights on this.... how can you create peace in the light of all this.
All people of peace im beginning this project..... i have tried to meditate, last tuesday. So i thought about maditation and talked to a friend Thomas Taylor so he told me about this page....
I am not a control freak but with this site i have a goal to make and being a person who is routinated and a person who makes a system and plan everthing so that things fall at the right place without having to overdo, to save energy and also be available to my imeadiate family 100%. By being in this site i have now got one more thing to do to soothe my inner soul, the core of me where energy oozes to fight all negetive elements and be a positive person by thinking positive. My acomplishment i smile more then i did last week!
Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Smile everybody :0 )
May de soul of those who are suffering in Haiti and in de rest of the world finally find peace.
Much love to everyone around the world
Hi everyone, I am new here. But in the world of peace, no one is a stranger.I call on you all to support me in self development programme. I will count on your comments.
Hi everyone,
I joined the peace revolution last month on the advise of a friend but haven't taken time to introduce myself.So here I am.
I'm basically from France and grew up in India.The way of peace has always struck a cord within me and I feel this is the way to flow.Now as I become an adult I wish I could be carefree as a child.I see the responsibilities I have to face and accept them totally as an opportunity to learn and grow.May peace guide and light my way.
I am now teaching in a school in Bangkok,Thailand.It is an honor to be part of this great revolution.Not telling others what to do or how to be but beginning with ourselves,a revolution inside,and spreading peace to all around.It's beautiful!
PiPo.... Narayan...
Hi everybody , I am toon from Thailand
I like meditating it cures my bod and my soul
love you all
too short cuz i'm not keen in english
Guys, I really appreciate what all of you are doing here :) I'm glad I've found this community. See, I do have faith in meditation and Buddhism, but being in the USA right now, most of the time I'm distracted. Writing and reading meditation session reports from you guys definitely help me anchor myself back!
I would say meditation is a middle way, there for everyone, We reveal Love Peace gentleness as a radiant commencing the sun; My two affectionate cats get pleasure from my lap during my meditate session, So, consent to observe meditation as well as obtain inner Peace everyone. P People E Embrace A Attitude C Calm E Enlighten I am so grtaceful I found you....PEACE.....
Hi everyone. It's very nice to read you all and meet you all.
I think this inner-peace --> outer-peace idea is... among the best ideas I have ever heard. It is my hope that I may contribute constructively to it.
But better, I am a hurting person, right now - and this offers something to help soothe and may be begin healing some personal pain of my own.
Thank you all for being here, for me.
On the topic of forgiveness - I had to take a fearless look inside myself. Once I saw and admitted that my own self-centered ness could easily make me a monster, it was easier to see that those who hurt me were acting from thier own fear, spiritual sickness and self-centered ness.
That does not negate the harm done. I have to accept that I have been hurt before healing can begin.
I find for myself, that when someone hurts me - I am a partner in that, however slightly. WHen I stay angry and hurt it's because I am saying, inside, "You should not treat me like that."
I refuse to accept that the injury has been done, and stay stuck in a mental demand that the person who injured me does not behave that way - no matter how irrational or futile that demand really is.
When people hurt each other from fear, delusion, or other falsehood, it makes me sad. (Being a man, an american man, I cover this sadness and hurt up with anger) I wish they wouldn't.
But that doesn't undo anything. I must face that injury has been done and my own sadness and anger at the injury. I must walk THROUGH the pain. Pain is temporary, although loss may not be.
when I accept the pain I reach the bottom and begin to rise again. When I accept the pain - it begins to recede into the past.
Holding on to anger, resentment - living in the pain as I resiist that last little bottom bit of it - that is a poison to my inner peace. I have ruined any shreds of Inner Peace I may have had.
It's time to touch bottom so I can begin moving towards peace - and maybe my own future - where ever that goes.
Jay ~Meow!~
hello, I am mohamed hirsi, From somaliland, a break away republic from somali in the horn of afric, I graduated from United Nations University for peace in costa rica, with a MA in peace and conflict studeis, I am now in somaliland rebuilding and participating in the reconstruction of the lost peace in my country , and have the vision of sustaining that to international level. I am now the director of Institute of peace and conflict studies at university of Hargeisa, the largest university in somaliland
Hello everybody!
My name is Sonia and I am from Mexico. I am very glad to finally have become a Peace Rebel!!
Very nice to meet you all! :)
Hello everyone! My name is Ivan, I am from Belarus and I am currently studying in Sweden (Stockholm). It is so fascinating to see people from all around the world here! Peace to all of you!
I am enjoying most of the wonderful comment and response. I am a participant to the ten year war in Sierra Leone. During my meditation periods I meditates on more of the past bad things that occurs even when I tried to get my attention focused on some other things to forget the past but in vein. My meditation is usually an hour before i go to bed daily. I need your responses.
This is so great, thank you everyone!
Learned an idea recently to be persistently patient with oneself. Great wisdom! Look forward to keep on learning with all you :)
Its a good thing to see that all of you like the programme, and I asure you it will be of a benefit if you can utilise this oppurtunity and meditate more, do more community projects for a good cause indeed.
One by one, we can transform the world...BUT lets remember it all starts with YOU...Inner Peace is possible and can be achieved.
Peace be with you all.Love be in you all
This is a wounderful oppottunity for us to discover meace in our life.
Thank you William. I keep indeed meditating.
Hello everyone, First of all, a million thanks to revolution2010 for such a platform.....i am Pema, from a small Buddhist Kingdom called BHUTAN......i am basically into the forum for attending inner peace so that i can always portray it outside!!!
Hello everyone, First of all, a million thanks to revolution2010 for such a platform.....i am Pema, from a small Buddhist Kingdom called BHUTAN......i am basically into the forum for attending inner peace so that i can always portray it outside!!!
Hey Everyone, It has been so wonderful to read everyones responses and to see so much enthusiasm for this community. I was wondering if I could pose a question. It seems as if the sentiments expressed here are not always the views most commonly voiced in our average contemporary social situations. How have you all found ways to incoorperate these ideas and practices into your everyday lives? Do you ever feel isolated from the people around you based on your life choices and interests? Thanks so much in advance, cuz I know yall will have lost to say
Hello everyone, I'm Alethia. I'm not so new here, since I've been meditating for 18 days. However this is the first time I introduce myself. Although it's early to say it: meditating has changed the way I live. I tend to get less angry about the billion things I cannot change (like pollution, people with bad manners, etc.) and I effectively become more comprehensive with those who are angry, anxious, or in state of avoidance. So, albeit is early; thank you.