Sandra Ribas
The Peace Revolution Selection Committee would like to proudly annouce the first group of the 2010 Peace Revolution fellowship winners. The fellowship type and conditions will not be announced here and will be sent to your mail box with a participation form that you need to sign in 2 days. If your name is NOT on the list, it does not mean that you are disqualified. You will have to hurry and follow our fellowship's requirement. We will announce the second group of winners within a week. It's first come first serve!
South Africa
United States
United States / Australia
Hong Kong S.A.R.
United Kingdom
United States
I hope you all can represent us in promoting peace at all levels.
Congratulations to the first group!! Wow, you guys are great, and so deserving.
You are an inspiration to me and to the world.
I look forward to meeting all of you.
Now i'm also super excited to hear the names of the next group.
I am so happy to see the pictures of the group!!
Congratulations to all of you!!! Bravo!!!
Really looking forward to meet you all in February 2010.
=.) This is so great!! Thanks so much!! =) I´m so excited! I´m looking fordward the email! and I´m going to tell my family about this!
=.) This is so great!! Thanks so much!! =) I´m so excited! I´m looking fordward the email! and I´m going to tell my family about this!
am very excited this is so great thanks to all peace revolution crew and my coaches.
Congratulations to all of you!!!
congratulations to all of you. I so wish I could join you and meet you in person but your world and hopefully everyone's world is about to change.
Well, I guess you can only imagine how happy am I since I saw my name above!!! My most sincere thanks for this awesome opportunity, and I'm really looking forward to see you all in Thailand next year!!!
congratulations everyone!!! hope to see you all there!
Congratulations to all the Winners.
You have been wonderful :-)
Hey, i'm very happy with this notice. thanks to all of you and congratulations to my other fellows. see you in thailand
Congratulations to All!
wOW this is fabulous. I am so happy ....I BELIEVE IT IS TRUE...WOW.I cant wait to meet the lovely PEACE REBELS AND OUR LOVING PEACE COACHES(AND ALL THE PEACE REVOLUTION TEAM)
thank you a lot. I hope and believe that we are going to make some change in the whole WORLD.
a big thank you to my peace coaches and to all of you for your positive energy and encouragement! can't wait to meet everyone!
a big thank you to my peace coaches and to all of you for your positive energy and encouragement! can't wait to meet everyone!
Hey, it's great to see the second announcement! See you in Thailand!
Wow - Fantastic Group! Will have an energetic gathering at Thailand!
Thanks a lot
OOPS OH MINE! I'm so much delighted to be among the chosen ones... I hope to see you all in Thailand by God's devine intervention...PIPO
congs to you guys
Congratulations to the second group! I'm so happy for all of you.
Id like to send a special congrats to my fellow South African, William Jiyana! William, this is sooo AYOBA!! ;-)
Congratulations to all the second group as well. What a wonderful group from all over the world! Peace, Mary K
CONGRATULATIONS second group!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratutions, it seems we are moving forward. I/we jubiliate with you for your success.
Cogratulations to all.
Congratulations to the second group!
See you all in PR Conference in February.
To all my peace brothers and sisters as well as peace coaches thanks for your time, efforts and commitments. I see you guys in Thailand.
Let us hurry up our peace time have just alarm us to disseminate the peace my brethens.
Well, it's approaching the climax stage and I MUST pause to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my COACHES, FELLOW PEACE ROOKIES and the entire PEACE REVOLUTION CREW...It's been Educative, Challenging and Rewarding. Suffice it to say, it's been a UNIQUE APPROACH and I do hope to foster my quest as an Agent of Positive Change, thus incorporating others to lend a Spirit of Peace, because as Individuals we make a Change but as People, we make Greater Impact... Together we can transform the Universe...KUDOS TO Y'ALL...PIPO
I am very happy to see my name on the third group of the fellowship winners...and through this opportunity my Bhutanese friends may get encouragement to practice the Inner Peace.
And I would like to congratulate the third groups for the opportunity.
Have a great day!!!
Congratulations to the third group.
Looking forward to see you all in Feb.
congratulations to all we shall meet each other in feb 20th 2010
My dream is coming true ! see you and will have a group meditation in Thailand in Feb.
with love!
I am blessed and honoured and am so excited for this unique and wonderful opportunity!! I am looking forward to sharing Inner Peace Time in Thailand with my fellow brothers and sisters. Thank you to everyone, my peace coaches, the peace revolution rebels and to the Peace Revolution Crew. Through your strength of guidance and support we are all here together to celebrate Peace. Thank you
Also congratulations everyone Kate Hope you like my pic
I am blessed and honoured and am so excited for this unique and wonderful opportunity!! I am looking forward to sharing Inner Peace Time in Thailand with my fellow brothers and sisters. Thank you to everyone, my peace coaches, the peace revolution rebels and to the Peace Revolution Crew. Through your strength of guidance and support we are all here together to celebrate Peace. Thank you
Also congratulations everyone Kate Hope you like my pic
Congratulation to ALL! I'm so glad to know you all come to THAILAND for PR seminar. It'll be the wonderful time. We'll have more inner peace together.
Ohhhhh....so excited ... can't wait to see you all ... :)
Congratulation to third group!!
Nice, a third group was chosen. Congratulations! I'm really glad we're gonna meet soon!
Peace, and Happy New Year for everyone!
Congretulation to all wonderful peace loving brothers & sisters who would be there in Thailand to represent hopes & dreams of all young people around the world. You will see peace could really happen on earth. My love to all of you.
Congratulations to everyone! I can't wait to meet you all at the peace conference in 2010!
Congratulations to the third group. Wow what a wonderful mixture of the world is represented by this group....and the best is yet to come...Peace
Congratulations to you all. i am happy for your success. Keep it up!
Congratulations to all Peace lovers, I can't wait meeting you all there in Thailand.
Wow..........Congratulations to the Fourth Group!
Congretulation to the fourth group!!!
Thank you! :-)))) I can't tell you how happy & excited I am to be a part of the 4th group of winners! I'm deeply honoured to be a part of this project! I'm looking forward to meeting you all in Thailand and I'm sure it will be an unforgettable experience!
Bravo! who is next?
CONGRATULATIONS to the fourth group....and happy to see from various countries but sadly there is none from the host country, Thailand. So I am looking forward to see peace lovers from the Land of Smiles too... Thanks
Congratulations to the fourth group!
So excited & can't wait to see you all.
Bravo to all of you guys who made it.............
With our efforts I know that the world will make a very big turn.
My efforts, your effort, our efforts we can change the world peace rebel.....
I love that Adolf, you really hit the nail!
Yeah! I like it too...And you are so right We can achieve world peace, when we do it together. I just wanna say that the peace rebels are amazing!
The peace rebels are as amazing as the objectives of the Peace Revolution. The world is made up of we individuals and by 'I, You and We' will achieve and make a world better place to live not only for us but for our children in coming years.
I agree i am striving for 2 things one: to leave the earth as a inheritance to my great grandchildren The earth was not inherited by me it was handed to me by the grandparents and I must do the same for my grandchildren it is their inheritance of course i want it to be a better place for then not a world full of unjust, violence, distractions and hate. Stop hatin’ start lovin’. It is a win win situation At the basic level every child born anywhere in the world should have or given the same/equal rights. 2: Give Mother Earth a chance to recover and let her spin, evolve and sustain life as she has been doing for a millions of years, if we do not respect her we have nothing left to leave behind but a ticking time bomb as the consequences to mankind’s greed is already seen/shown to the disaster we see as a results of our unfair harvest from nature and we are destroying it ourselves. True mankind is the root to all destruction.
Lets pray, meditate and spread a positive energy of love for the children and people of Haiti! Thanks//nina
Congratulations all Winners. Looking forward to seeing you in Thailand!
Has the final roll being announced or should we keep waiting for other call?
Catch me on Facebook via;
Hey everybody what should i bring?
Hello every one,
Congratulations and good luck to all the rebels...
Cheers !!!
Have a good time...
Wow, boom boom boom, congratulations.
I'm happy and serene
Congrat, to the fifth group of people.
congratulations !!!
All of you are great ^_^
congrats to all of you! - look forward to meeting you soon :)
Congratulations to the 5th group!
So excited to see you all soon!
Hey,that's great! Congratulations to the 5th group, and see you soon!
Congratulations to all the Peace Rebels.
Looking forward to sharing inner peace with you in Thailand
Congratulations to everyone "Peace Rebel #2", with my deepest heart!!! I'm happy to be here and keep looking forward to seeing you all...in Thailand. You're welcome!!!! See you all in the seminar in Thailand...
Hello Everyone, We are collecting the last group of rebels this afternoon then off to Ayuttaya(the oldest city in Thailand) from there we will go to Chiang Mai(the north of Thailand) for a meditation retreat. Will keep you up to date.
Hope all the new rebels are having a wonderful inner peace time...PIPO
How is it going in Thailand?
Hey everyone,
I'm sure you are feeling sad as the 2010 Peace Revolution comes to a close. I was very sad to leave but I am very grateful for the opportunity to meet all of you AMAZING people, I miss you already!
Enormous thank yous to everyone for making this a truly memorable, even life-changing, experience for all of us. Special thanks to the organizers - Luang Phi Payungsack, Luang Phi Somsak, Luang Phi John, Luang Phi Pasura, Luang Phi Joshua, Luang Phi Fremma, Peace Comrades, Peace Crew and the staff at Suk Sawang Retreat Center (and others - I am sorry if I've forgotten anyone!)
I hope to stay in touch.
PIPO, Sarah
Sarah it was very sad to see you leave so early but you are present in our hearts "in Dhammakay we don't say Goodbye" we are always together in unison of purpose.
Also can I say it was very lovely of you to mention thanks to all and I want to share that I too am thankful for the life changing opportunity I have received and both grateful and humbled by it:
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more..."
I too hope that we will stay in touch
Sarah it was very sad to see you leave so early but you are present in our hearts "in Dhammakay we don't say Goodbye" we are always together in unison of purpose.
Also can I say it was very lovely of you to mention thanks to all and I want to share that I too am thankful for the life changing opportunity I have received and both grateful and humbled by it:
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more..."
I too hope that we will stay in touch
Can we get report about the conference, how did it go? Share it with us!
"Would there be peace without war? and how can you discuss peace without having crisis? and why do people always go for war before dialogue which gives room for peace, why not the dialogue first without war"?
"Would there be peace without war? and how can you discuss peace without having crisis? and why do people always go for war before dialogue which gives room for peace, why not the dialogue first without war"?
Does God has special people who can always go to war without being judged? For the taste for peace, do you have to give out your birth right even when its your last hope for survival?
Does God has special people who can always go to war without being judged? For the taste for peace, do you have to give out your birth right even when its your last hope for survival?
Does God represent peace? if he does, why should he instruct Israelites to kill and destroy any nation that tries to take over their lands which has also been the war between Israel and Palestine. Does it show we should go into war once we are at our birth right? I am not blaspheming just eager to know.
Can you be a good peace activist without being a good listener?
What makes you a peace maker? if you do not have inner peace can you produce outer peace? Where does peace starts? and can you be a good peace activist without having inner peace?
What next is expected from the Peace Rebels that has just finished conference are, 1. Keep the ball rolling. 2. Take up a project. 3. Extend the experience acquired. 4. Change their environment into a peaceful atmosphere. 5. Get involved into maintaining peace and stability in their respective communities and countries and globally. 6. Build a solid network for young and adults and gets them involved into meditation exercise. 7. Liaise with many peace networks as much as they can and introduce meditation as another way to actualize peace. Then become a peace model and make your environment capture the true picture of being a peace rebel and member of peace revolution and a peace noble of "Dhammakaya"
Congratulations to all rebel winners for 2010.
Congratulations to all those of you who have received the fellowship!
I hope to be in your place after doing my fair share towards world peace!