Webmaster Peace Revolution
Sorry but we need to cancel the 07:00 GMT session.
Hope to see you on the other sessions.
We will host live online series of meditation retreat from October 7th to 15th, 2009 with experienced Buddhist monks from Thailand.
Each session will last approximately 30 minutes, followed by another 30 minutes of Q&A or Live Chat session with the monks.
It will be like having your own personal meditation coach right there where you are. Giving you tips on meditation, specific to your situation, pointing out where your strengths are, and even help you with other situations you are faced with. That’s the great blessing of having a big brother around!
Please confirm your participation today in the following sessions provided by signing up on www.peacerevolution2010.org, there are 23 sessions available, you can opt to attend one session, or as many as you can.
Everyone will be able to follow the live meditation instruction, however, only those that have confirmed will be able to participate in the Q&A session with the teaching monk.
Alternatively, write directly to secretariat@peacerevolution2010.org for more assistance.
Friday Oct 09 2009 07:00GMT
Friday Oct 09 2009 12:00GMT
Saturday Oct 10 2009 12:00GMT
Sunday Oct 11 2009 17:00GMT
Sunday Oct 11 2009 23:30GMT
Monday Oct 12 2009 07:00GMT
Monday Oct 12 2009 12:00GMT
Monday Oct 12 2009 17:00GMT
Tuesday Oct 13 2009 07:00GMT
Tuesday Oct 13 2009 12:00GMT
Tuesday Oct 13 2009 17:00GMT
Wednesday Oct 14 2009 12:00GMT
Wednesday Oct 14 2009 17:00GMT
Wednesday Oct 14 2009 23:30GMT
Thursday Oct 15 2009 07:00GMT
Thursday Oct 15 2009 12:00GMT
Thursday Oct 15 2009 17:00GMT
Thursday Oct 15 2009 23:30GMT
See you there at your home town.
Visit http://www.peacerevolution2010.org/docs/en/peace-revolution-channel
Peace in..Peace out!
Peace Revolution Crew
Sorry but we need to cancel the 07:00 GMT session.
Hope to see you on the other sessions.
Thank you, the session this morning was great.
The next session starts in 2 minutes @ Peace Revolution Channel ...
<a href="http://www.peacerevolutoin2010.org/docs/en/peace-revolution-channel">http://www.peacerevolutoin2010.org/docs/en/peace-revolution-channel</a>
That's it. Next session starts 17:00 GMT October 8th (today).
I'd like to tell you that I really enjoyed the 12GMT session that has just finished. The guide was very good and I enjoyed the Q&A. I didn't make any question but i got a lot of answers anyway.
Thank you very much!
The October 8th 17:00 GMT starts in 30 minutes @ Peace Revolution Channel ...
<a href="http://www.peacerevolutoin2010.org/docs/en/peace-revolution-channel">http://www.peacerevolutoin2010.org/docs/en/peace-revolution-channel</a>
Next ... October 8th 23:30 GMT
You can post your questions for the meditation guide here.
Here is the list of questions for tomorrow asked by Anita.
How do u know when your mind is completely still?
Why does the mind have wandering in its nature
Are there any signs which shows that one's inner peace time is making progress?
What other meditating positions enable you to have a succesful IPT? (from Telma)
1 you 'll know...
I'm sorry but we have to cancel a session on Sunday Oct 11 2009 23:30GMT. =)