Rafael Silva
I met Peace Revolution at an Event in UFMG, Brazil. After that I start my self-development course and I will be an Agent someday.
Thanks for all!! I´m very greatful of know it.
PIPO RafaelBauth
Stay tuned for the latest inspiration from incredible missions of our Peace Agents in Latin America including Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Brazil. The journey lasted for 34 days in 7 cities. We managed to introduce inner peace through 40 meditation sessions for more than 2,500 people. Let's enjoy the trailer of the 2012 Change the World Tour - South American Series. Full videos will be on-air soon.
I met Peace Revolution at an Event in UFMG, Brazil. After that I start my self-development course and I will be an Agent someday.
Thanks for all!! I´m very greatful of know it.
PIPO RafaelBauth
Hello Rafael,
The event in UFMG is simply amazing. It enlightens us how much interest Brazilians from Minas Gerais have in meditation. We are looking forward to welcoming you as a Peace Agent someday. :)
Hello Rafael,
I´m very glad to know that you have started your self-development program after the event in UFMG. It was a challenge for us to make it possible and it is really amazing to hear from you!
I´m grateful too, thank´s Peace Revolution.
Alessandra was the main coordinator of all the events in Belo Horizonte. Big thanks to her we could organize the big two events in UFMG :)
Thanks for the tour. It oppened my eyes!
A friend of mine needs some intern-peace, but she doesn't speak english (only spanish), I wonder if the videos and activities are available in the latter language?
Hola Pablo
aqui esta un pequeño video que hiso Peace Revolution en youtube :)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yieV5RIuWvs" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.youtube.com/watch?v=yieV5RIuWvs</a>
espero que pueda disfrutarlo
tambien que se ponga en contacto con los Peace Agents de su ciudad
PIPO Julenne
I loved the video! How come we didn't learn about that earlier? Is the event in South America over? I would have loved to be part of it!
Dear Angie,
The Latin America trip is over. But we welcome South Americans to our fellowship program and may be we will do the trip again next year. Please look forward to that and be informed about that.
Next time you should include a visit to Argentina, I would love to help you organize an event here.
Warm regards
i love the video so much and I'm so happy to be part of this new generation of peace loving people.
inspiring video and activity. Please let me know If next series will be held in Indonesia or South East Asia. Will be great to be part of it.
Only if you are planning to be an organizer Muhammad :)
Our PIPO On-demand "is organized BY" Peace Agents or Peace Rebels "FOR" Peace Agents or Peace Rebels
I'm looking forward to participate on Brazil this year, just started to be a Peace Rebel and I'm enjoying it very much! Please come to São Paulo, I'll be more than glad to go! :)
PIPO everybody!