Sam Hardy
That's fantastic! So glad the Peace Fellows got to experience some inner peace with a master inner peace guide like LP John. Congratulations Helen on organising this!
On April 18th, 2011 Peace Revolution was invited to organize a meditation workshop for participants of the peace and conflict program, the Rotary Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University. All the eleven participants said that they enjoyed a 45-minute "Inner Peace Time" session guided by the monk. At the end of the session, the monk shows how meditation can be employed as an important tool for conflict resolution, which will allow everyone to think, speak and act in postivie ways by aligining their mind first. It was a nice and peaceful session organized by Peace Rebel Helen who is going to join us on Global Peace on the Move 8. That's awesome job Helen!
That's fantastic! So glad the Peace Fellows got to experience some inner peace with a master inner peace guide like LP John. Congratulations Helen on organising this!
It is so exciting that workshop. good work.
That is so wonderful. Hats off to Helen and Peace Revolution.
Really inspiring event ! I myself was an exchange student for one year with Rotary when i was younger. I had the chance to see all the programs they are organizing to make the world a better place to live. The organisation is really active at different levels, teenagers education, young progessionals, erradicating polios in the world, organizing sholarships and programs for peace studies and conflict resolution. A remarkable organisation to work with or to be in touch with! Great example of exchange!