Alessandra Santos
Welcome Peace Revolution!!! This is very nice :) We are so happy to receive Peace Revolution in Brazil!!! And I am very happy to contribute to these events!!! :)))
After having passed through Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, Peace Revolution arrives in Brazil to conclude the South America Tour 2012. We will have Workshops, Conferences and Meditation Retreats in the States of Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
Brazil is passing through a unique moment in its history. The economy is growing fast and important events are about to happen, like the 2013 World cup and Rio+20. The country is making great strides in the fight against poverty and big investments are being made to follow up this economic boom, however, at the same time terrible disasters with irrecoverable losses are happening under the name of progress and development, for example, the increasing destruction of the Amazon Forest and the construction of Belo Monte Dam.
So what kind of development are we triggering? What kind of development do we really want?
Would be the government and the big companies be prepared to make so many important decisions? Decisions that can have positive or negative effects on the people around, the environment, the different forms of life on earth, the traditional cultures, the history and the future.The government and big companies are made up of people, like you and me. If we are not balanced enough, centered enough, wrong decision can be made, big mistakes cannot be undone.
Peace Revolution proposes “the change” should start with you. Only when changing yourself can you change others around you. It spreads like a wave, like the ripples in a lake when you drop a little stone into it. A critical and inert posture can’t lead us to a real change. In fact, this way we just stay in the same place. We need to bring and live a new way of thinking, feeling and being in the world.
Peace Revolution comes to Brazil bringing meditation as a tool that can help us find our center, being in peace with ourselves and others around and us, take responsible and ethical decisions with regards to ourselves, our family and our community.
Join us on this miraculous journey for your self-transformation!
Meditation Retreat (Moeda - MG)
May 25 - 27th, 2012
Location: Casa do Guru
09:30 AM - Espaço Paulo Baeta - Funcionários
05:00 PM - UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais) - Sonia Viegas Audiorium
08:00 PM - Espaço Celina Frattezi - Barroca
11:30 AM - UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais) - Sonia Viegas Audiorium
09:00 AM - Future Studies Nucleous - PUC
03:00 PM - Casa Urusvati
09:00 PM - Casa Jaya
08:00 PM Espaço Kurma
Local: Sítio das Pedras - Vargem Pequena (RJ)
Peace Revolution will also join workshops in World Youth Congress (WYC).
Further Information: http://peacerevolutionbrasil.blogspot.com.br
+ 55 (31) 9929-7624 or + 55 (31) 9637-8488
Welcome Peace Revolution!!! This is very nice :) We are so happy to receive Peace Revolution in Brazil!!! And I am very happy to contribute to these events!!! :)))
Wishing you all a joyous experience with Peace Revolution for the Brazil Retreat. BRAVO! BRAVO!
I dont know what to say, the only thing I can say is how amazing you are!