Max Raphael

Holding Space

When I woke up today, like the past few days, I noticed how my mind is already running, and I have this anxiety to catch up to it.  
But today, I also noticed right before my mind was running, there was immense space.  I realized the mind rushing to fill up this space, and I realized I can keep this space open.
Sometimes, during meditation, I feel a certain kind of concentration.  Not a concentration on one thing or one thought, but like holding a very tiny umbrella over me, and if I don't hold it steady enough, rain will get in.  Instead of holding onto a focus of concentration, I am holding onto space and keeping it unfilled.
May I hold this space and keep it available, without giving in to filling it up.
The space of possibility, of creativity, a space of openness, and stillness.
May we all keep this space in tact, and not fill it up with distractions, tension, and clinging.

Submitted on 10 Feb 2012 22:22

Valérie Lemieux

I feel you my friend.

Submitted on 13 Feb 2012 13:32 from Ariya App

Truan Muhurah

yes u are right?

Submitted on 23 Feb 2012 21:03 from Ariya App