“The old continent” hosted the first European Youth Fellowship between 14-16th of October, 2011. Twenty-one young leaders from all over Europe came together in Lede, Belgium, to discover the Hidden Path – Ariyamagga.
The Peace Revolution European Fellowship - Hidden Path: Ariyamagga I in 2010
Representing a total of 14 European countries, the young people gathered in what is the center of the united Europe – Belgium. The participants were selected after completing 14 days of the self-development program and showing a true understanding of meditation and its impact in creating a peaceful life.

The program mixed together Thai and European flavors – meditation sessions offered by Thai monks, inspiring speeches and conversations, diverse tools for peace building and leading a peaceful life, a wide range of introductory aspects in the Thai culture – including delicious food! – all based in a picturesque European environment. Oh, and did we mention the authentic Belgian chocolate?
On Friday morning, the 14th of October, the Peace Revolution team was arranging the final touches of the program, while waiting for the first participants. In no time, the house started to be filled with various accents of English, as Peace Rebels arrived.

Twenty-one curious, active, easy-going young people ready to experience a different kind of knowledge. For most of them, Peace Revolution represented their first encounter with meditation and with Buddhist monks. A bit shy at the beginning, the conversations with the monks became countless as soon as the Rebels learned more about Luang Phi Pasura and Luang Phi Ruben – two extremely friendly and dedicated monks. The meditation clinics, which represent more private conversations with the monks, were also very popular, proving that the gates towards inner peace knowledge were forever open!

During these days, the Peace Rebels have gained more insight over meditation, over themselves as individuals and over the world as a whole. They have grown to understand how we, people, impact the world. Together with meditation sessions and meditation clinics, the Rebels have also experienced several special activities which have given them a more thorough understanding of the mind and the importance of its stillness.
As the first European Peace Revolution Fellowship ended, saying good-bye was not easy. The Arriyamagga is not a hidden path anymore, and once one knows that, one cannot ignore the deeper knowledge it brings forward. We have decided to follow the no-longer-hidden path, to stay true to ourselves, to keep on sharing the loving kindness… and regardless if the physical space works in our favor, we all have a common home, a common “ground 0” – we can always meet at the center!

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Submitted on 26 Oct 2011 09:46