Henry Makubuya
Yes that will be a good idea
Yes that will be a good idea
This is the best way to go about anxiety. I can tell you that it will work perfectly well, because it has work for me and other family members. Do enjoy your inner peace time, and remember that one who gives receives double....So, go ahead and lend a helpful idea.
Thank you very much, Ulla. I appreciate your comment that encourage me.
Best regards Mirela
hi!!! are you a psychologist... I'm almost one... let me tell you that in my final practice I did some work with my patients using mediation and visualization.. I work with mothers of children with disabilities..and they are very grateful of having learned to relax and visualize ... was excellent
Hi Mirela! I'm here too, thanks to you! Great idea to use this with clients! I completely encourage you on that. warmly, Anca.
I think that meditation is a great technique to be used for clients with anxiety and depression.