Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo
Daer sister, i understand your fear but please dont get so scared.i think our special ops is a bridge or a link between the lessons acquire as peace rebel, and connecting to the people in our community (around us)
for that reason, I feel that your discussion with these girls should not seem like a teacher (supeior) lecturing rather it should take the form of a simple peer-to-peer conversation. once you see it as a peer-to-peer dialogues, or a sharing knowledge platform. you will become more confident.
again, you'd mention about the meditation. you can take your lessons online. for the last weeks of my episode 1 in meditation, i have been doing it online. you can do it online and keep a diary of it by responding to the questions below and save it.
Wishing you all the best Ziwoh, Peace Rebel
PIPO spread the word to the word--Peace!