Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo
Fer, you are an amazing woman. This is beautiful. Thanks for taking the words out to the media.
Anita, thanks for sharing Fer's experience here with us. Amazing, i am so touched at her words. Keep up
25 August 2011 - Peace Rebel, Fernanda Cassarin, from Mexico, was interviewed by Vibra TV www.canalvibratv.mx ‐ a Mexican television channel about meditation, the benefits of having a still mind and how peace can be contagious. Fernanda was interviewed on the evening show "Descanso Saludable" which means "healthy sleep" by Marina Palmer.
Through doing the interview she also invited people to join Peace Revolution, and participate in the weekly online meditations, Moonfest.
Fernanda spoke clearly, and answered the questions presented to her with confidence and poise.When asked why she started to meditate she explained that she wanted answers to questions like, who am I? Why am I here? Why I am Fernanda?
Fernanda further explains about incorporating meditation in daily life, she said, Silence does not mean being boring. You can do your daily activities with calmness and peace, with yourself.The world for that is "SABAI". It'swhen happiness fulfills your whole body.
" …The main importance of meditation is that you find yourself and find stillness and peace inside you, with you.Peace is something that can be shared, and is a wonderful feeling when you do it - is giving yourself a chance to improve and for personal accomplishment."
"…I'm working to spread the words: PIPO, because I believe it. I'm starting with a lot of energy and the doors had been opened, because I feel what I say, and Love what I believe."
Fernanda Cassarin meditating
"…I believe we can change the world, starting with us, with the example, with the strength to know that whatwe are doing is a choice, and that you lose more by not trying.Meditating has given me the key of stillness…Is a present to me, from me."
Fernanda's special ops project, "kids in an orphanage" can be seen here.
Vibra TV is a new Mexican television channel that is versatile and centeredon not only physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, but also the happiness of human beings.
Fer, you are an amazing woman. This is beautiful. Thanks for taking the words out to the media.
Anita, thanks for sharing Fer's experience here with us. Amazing, i am so touched at her words. Keep up
:-D! It was a great opportunity Ziwoh, first time! :D!-
Thanks Anita for this note :D! *
Congratulations Fernanda! You're now having both PI & PO! So proud of you & Please keep it up!
And thanks Anita for posting this inspiring topic!
Thank you Jamaree- I will :) *
Hola Fernanda,
Apenas descubrí esta organización y me llamado mucho la atención sus retiros y actividades, sin embargo quería saber si hay algún grupo bien estructurado en México al que pueda contactar, ya que aún tengo dudas sobre la forma en que operan los retiros, etc.
Muchas gracias!!!!
Hola Ana Laura- tendremos una meditacion en linea el dia jueves 15 de Septiembre a las 8:00 am. Podrás conectarte en http://www.peacerevolution.net/docs/en/peace-revolution-channel
Yo estoy en México, si tienes algun duda escribeme a fermgc@hotmail.com
En la pagina podras encontrar todo lo referente al objetivo de Peace Revolution.
Avisame cualquier duda y que gusto que te unas al grupo. Saludos! *
Hola Fernanda, al igual que Ana L. acabo de encontrar esta organización. Q lindas palabras las que leí arriba, y que felicidad me da el saber que hay más gente, no solo el Méx sino al rededor del mundo que piensa igual que uno.
Frida!- Encantada de tenerlas aqui con nosotros! Me encantara se unan a la meditacion que tendremos el dia 15 de Septiembre a las 8 am.. Aqui podran estar conectadas http://www.peacerevolution.net/docs/en/peace-revolution-channel
Sera una meditacion dirigida en vivo directo desde Tailandia..
Te reitero mi correo por cualquier duda o comentario fermgc@hotmail.com
Bienvenidas!! *
You did a great job by spreading the peace through the media, i am really challenged to do same by having PI & PO.
Thanks for the work and fine meditation courage you give to others. Continue with that inner peace in you.
Magic and life. thanks so much for what you are doin may the lord bless you and give you more and more fire to share with the rest of the world.
Thank you Abass...
Thank you guys!!
:D! *
Hello Anita,Just being asked to coontact you,am coming from an area where internet is a challenge so i was wondering how you could help me to have meditation online.I had submitted my Special Ops,but not online,so what should i do?
Hi Mediatrix, I would suggest first let's do a test to see if the connection is strong enough to support an audio and/or visual connection.
Thanks for your question :-D
Hi Anita,i'd like you to give hand in meditation online.It's the first time for me to begin.