Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo
Omar, you are welcome to the network. I feel sad about your situation. I believe this is a good opportunity to explore. I will encourage to make maximum use of any opportunity you made available to take your IPT... The experience you will gain will help inspired others in your community. Remember we need you most and at the moment you stand as our torch in Gaza. Peace revolution is critical now than every in every region on our planet and your country is needs more Peace Rebels. I wish you all the best and thanks for sharing your frustration with your brothers/sisters of the revolution for peace.
Permit me share with you this beautiful pic (thanks to a friend; Andreas who share this on my wall with friends). The message that came with the pic is thus:
German: ( Schäme dich nicht was du gewesen bist oder was du gestern getan hast. Überall wo du warst, war vor dir ein anderer auch schon. Sei stolz auf das was du heute bist. Vergiß nicht du bist ein Geschenk Gottes an die Welt ♥)
English Translation: (Be unashamed of who you are, where you’ve been, and what you do today. You are a divine gift to this world. Wherever you’ve been, someone else has also been there. Hold your head up high, and be who you are today.:-*)
Courage!!!! Ziwoh Peace Rebel 2011