Zoneziwoh Regina Mbondgulo

What PIPO Stands For Me

Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the revolution for peace. I trust you are doing great. It is a pleasure to knowing you all.

My experience since I started the meditation lessons have been of immense benefit; spiritually and physically. I remembered my first day, how nervous and tense I was but as days go by, I observe myself changing and rapidly picking up, till the extent that nervous isn’t part of my challenge.

As a peace rebel so concerned about PIPO

and also as an individual who educates the community through images and motion pics, here are some images that keep running through my mind, even during my inner peace meditation time.

The self who wants to change

drop of water in an Ocean In an effort trying to help friends, colleagues and families understand PIPO and how these can spread and enhance sustainable world peace, I chose those two images. To me the ocean pic explains PIPO, while the dark sky with a small light shed explains the self, how change begins from the self. The light is a source of peace, reflection and relaxation.

Dear friends, I am very interested to hear your view about the pic. We learn everyday.

Submitted on 15 Aug 2011 13:22

Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo

<p class="MsoNormal">Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the revolution for peace. I trust you are doing great. It is a pleasure to knowing you all.</p>

<p class="MsoNormal">My experience since I started the meditation lessons have been of immense benefit; spiritually and physically. I remembered my first day, how nervous and tense I was but as days go by, I observe myself changing and rapidly picking up, till the extent that nervous isn’t part of my challenge. </p>

<p class="MsoNormal">As a peace rebel so concerned about PIPO</p><p class="MsoNormal"><br></p><p class="MsoNormal"> and also as an individual who educates the community through images and motion pics, here are some images that keep running through my mind, even during my inner peace meditation time. <br></p><p class="MsoNormal"><img alt="The self who wants to change" src=";set=t.100000342245089&amp;type=1#%21/photo.php?fbid=231287193559354&amp;set=a.227398637281543.56757.100000342245089&amp;type=1&amp;theater" width="200" align="middle" border="0px" height="200"><br></p><p class="MsoNormal"><img alt="drop of water in an Ocean" src=";um=1&amp;hl=sw&amp;client=firefox-a&amp;sa=N&amp;rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&amp;tbm=isch&amp;tbnid=HWpfqK5rRP6pVM:&amp;imgrefurl=;docid=8A5hS8GtgcLQKM&amp;w=1280&amp;h=853&amp;ei=VwxJTq_jIoXtrQedwrTXAw&amp;zoom=1&amp;iact=rc&amp;dur=2157&amp;page=2&amp;tbnh=112&amp;tbnw=170&amp;start=10&amp;ndsp=10&amp;ved=1t:429,r:7,s:10&amp;tx=130&amp;ty=70&amp;biw=1024&amp;bih=399" width="300" align="middle" border="0px" height="300"> In an effort trying to help friends, colleagues and families understand PIPO and how these can spread and enhance sustainable world peace, I chose those two images. To me the ocean pic explains PIPO, while the dark sky with a small light shed explains the self, how change begins from the self. The light is a source of peace, reflection and relaxation.</p><p class="MsoNormal"><br></p>Dear friends, I am very interested to hear your view about the pic. We learn everyday.

Submitted on 15 Aug 2011 13:22 from Ariya App

Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo

drop of water in an ocean

Submitted on 15 Aug 2011 13:26 from Ariya App

Julius Atanawhemera

You are on track my sister! more grace to your able in peace initiative endeavours.

Submitted on 15 Aug 2011 14:05 from Ariya App

Anita Nuss

Dear Zone, this is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you very much...

Submitted on 19 Aug 2011 03:59 from Ariya App

Anita Nuss

PIPO for me... is the sun inside, because the source of the sun is within us, but its light shines all around for everyone, the light touches you, me, and everyone - PIPO...

My teachers said this, "...the sun inside of us will glow when our minds are still. its brightness will radiate all day and night. Unlike the sun in the sky which shines during daytime only, the sun within shines all the time. When we attain the sun within our lives will never face darkness again. That sphere nourishes us with peace and joy..."

Submitted on 19 Aug 2011 04:17 from Ariya App

Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo

Anita, This is beautiful. Oh my God! I love it. Yes! the sun inside us glows forever. Thank you dear sister. I will make a blg about this and will definitely use this pic. Many thanks dear Anita.

Submitted on 19 Aug 2011 22:34 from Ariya App

Elizabeth Hauck

This is where I find my inner peace, the ancient quiet of an old forest, with the sunlight of knowledge and inner peace shining through.

You have posted some beautiful things, Zone, and I think you are right. The small light is self, and the drop of water in an ocean is the peace that we can all spread.... peace spreads with ripples... we all must contribute. This entry was wonderful to read this morning, especially Anita and her wonderful words about the source of light in us all!

Submitted on 20 Aug 2011 12:50 from Ariya App

Fernanda Casarin

I love when I read this entry today morning-

PIPO for me, is admiring all the beauty is in my exterior and just contemplate it in silence, how the nature is showing all its beauty every day, is amazing....It does not get tired!

In my interior I feel how the nature is expresing it self and let me have a peace of it... The sky let me feel free, the clouds are the habitants..So I become one cloud.

The sun and moon are my partners, and when they arrive, I just achieve their light in my center and let their shine spread to all my body.

Submitted on 20 Aug 2011 14:06 from Ariya App