Jamaree Nonthatum
What a great report! I really miss everyone too!
Thanks for reporting Dorcas & thanks for posting Anita!
Always PIPO,
We came from various countries and backgrounds with have different cultures and beliefs. Our differences are glaring. But there is one thing that is common in each of us. This one thing strongly drew us together like magnet.
Through Peace Revolution, we are able to find inner peace and happiness. The source of this happiness came not from material wealth or a particular place or person. This bliss and feeling of contentment come every time we close our eyes and still our mind.
Before the retreat ended, I asked my fellow participants to write something about Peace Revolution Youth Fellowship 2011 in my notebook. I am humbled that they took the time to write even a short piece. Some are awe-inspiring and some are funny but all are sincere. And for that I am grateful.
About the retreat
“This experience is the best experience I had/have/will ever have in my whole life. Being in this beauty with great people and all this love in the air make you feel closer to Nirvana.”
-Abdulrahman Abdelqader Alhalawani, Jordan
“This retreat is for me what the monks call as a return home. A trip to my inner self… to who I am, answers to where I am going, as well as a place of encounter with other people willing to discover about themselves, about others and about the world”
- Anca Gliga, Romania
“This time is one of the unforgettable periods of life– living among so many people who know how to be happy and make others happy. This place is so beautiful and calm. My meditation is making me happy and enlightened.”
-Muhammad Shahbaz, Pakistan
“The retreat reminded me that peace is in the mind of so many people from all over the world. I have enjoyed each moment…the stillness, the laughter, the shared stories. Here my idea is confirmed. Peace can unite people form such diverse backgrounds. I hope we meet again in beautiful Thailand. Peace!”
- Karolina Szulkowska, Poland/USA
“The retreat gave me chance to use my eyes, ears and mouth more efficiently. I observed, listened a lot, and speak a little. I am very happy about it.”
- LamrotSeyoum Abebe, Ethiopia
“This retreat enabled me (to an extent) to coexist with non-human beings (insects!). I also learned about the need to spread love and kindness.”
- Suha Ayyash,Jordan
“This retreat has probably been the most challenging journey I have ever taken but also one of the best ones. It has been intensive, overwhelming, lifechanging. I have met wonderful people from all over the world”.
- Emilia Frost, Sweden
“Good experience, wonderful place, nice friends I can never forget!”
- Thuan Hong Do, Vietnam
“This retreat is held in one island but it feels like we are around the world because we came from different countries and different backgrounds. For me, this is one unforgettable moment in my life.”
- Nebiat Assefa, Ethiopia
One liners
“100% happy!”
- Smaranda Cojocaru, Romania/Peru
“Be at the center always!”
- Marco Bermudez, Colombia
Okay, here are some notes that never failed to make me laugh.
“A small, dark, handsome and charming young man looking for a Filipino friend. Please contact me if interested. PS. I love Peace Revolution! ”
- Tissione Parmar, United Kingdom
“Hola Dorcas! ¿Cómo estás? yo bien y tu?
One day, a cool cat was hanging around the beach with Dorcas in Boracay. Suddenly, Julian Pinzon Godoy appreared spreading love and kindness to their centers, going beyond the landmark and even to the point. He told them a lot of secrets and revealed the only and greatest truth of the whole existence….
After they knew this, they just keep doing meditation. Dorcas fell in love with the cool cat and they got married. Gracias por todo, Dorcas. ”
- Julian Pinzon Godoy, Colombia
For me
“I’m enjoying so much being in this retreat… a great opportunity to learn about myself. Now, I feel I have more guts to deal with my fears and difficulties. I also learned to appreciate the positive relationships with others. It is a pleasure to meet you, Dorcas. You are sweet.”
- Raphaela Simoes, Brazil
“Hello sister! Hola Hermana! I am very glad that I’m sharing this beautiful experience with you. You are a very sweet and beautiful person. Thank you for letting me be your Peruvian brother.”
- David Javier, Peru
So sweet! Reading these makes me miss everyone. :’)
You too!
Even though we are now miles apart, I will always send you my love and kindness. I am looking forward to the day when our paths will cross once more. Until then, brothers and sisters.
What a great report! I really miss everyone too!
Thanks for reporting Dorcas & thanks for posting Anita!
Always PIPO,
This is the groups picture with my class mate at (MUC) Chiang Mai Campus in Thailand.