Webmaster Peace Revolution
<p>The earth is our home, No matter where we are from, we still share the same earth.. Regardless of our race, gender, and nationality, it nurtured us and allowed us to coexist on its lands and enjoy its abundance and diversity. </p><p>However, we often forget that Earth is life itself. Our actions and passivity are slowly threatening the life that continues to support us. The Earth Day is an opportunity to be grateful with what the Earth has provided us and at the same time, contribute to its revival and sustainability.</p><p>As our awareness of our effects on the earth becomes more obvious, we are faced with the realization that we are not separate from the Earth at all. We live intimately interwoven with our Earth...So, if we are to <span style="font-weight: bold; ">change </span>the Earth for the better, we have to change ourselves also. There is no more time to stand idle anymore, the time is now to act, within and without. We need to purify our minds through meditation and also purify and healing <span style="font-weight: bold; ">the world</span> through our actions of renewal.</p><p>As we celebrate Earth Day on April 22, <span style="font-weight: bold; ">let everything become as one</span>, you, me, us, Earth, Nature, and the Nature of Nature... You can do this in many ways, for example setting up a recycling activity, at home or school, plant a tree, teach other people about renewable energy, reduce the amount of times you drive your car, clean up your beach or street, make a commitment to take shorter showers in your home.</p><p>There are many examples but these are just a few. It is very important to align and direct our minds to this goal. Meditating and setting our intentions together, the energy that arises from meditation is the ultimate renewable source of energy, because it is pure and never runs out...one only needs to connect to the source expand of the energy and it to encompass the world.</p><p>Post pictures of what you’ve done to commemorate this event on the Fan Page Wall, inspire, lead, show others the way. Why not also also post songs, articles, and videos related to Earth Day. More importantly, join Moonfest and share your experience on April 18, 2011 and April 26, 2011 at UTC 12.00. This Moonfest meditation is dedicated to a cleaner, greener, more sustainable Earth. You can also organize your own meditation session on or offline and start your own “green peace” hour.</p><p>Combine your outer world activities with the inner world of your mind, the possibilities are endless. We owe it to our Mother Earth, and we owe it to ourselves.</p>