Andrew Ogwok
congs Julian
The Peace Revolution Selection Committee would like to proudly annouce the 2011 Peace Revolution fellowship winners for the June Fellowship. If your name is NOT on the list, it does not mean that you are disqualified. You will have to hurry and follow our fellowship's requirement. It's first come first serve!
United States
United States
United Kingdom
congs Julian
I too will be selected if all goes well. It will be my pleasure to join Julian
Hi Julian, congratulations on being the first rebel selected for the June Fellowship...I look forward to meeting you. Good luck Joseph! Keep updating your ipt and sd journal. Andrew, in order to qualify please start the self development program as soon as possible. I wish all of you success and the best luck.
Congratulations Julian! I'm so proud of you & looking forward to see you in June. And please keep on with your good inner work!
Congratulations Julian! All the best for you!
Congratulation !! julian
Congratulations Julian .. I'm truly happy for you! Hope I will be on the list too :)
Congratulations Julian. I really like your special OPS. I really love your zeal and dedication .
I am really greatful with Peace Revolution and with all your nice comments :) thank you for everything.
I hope I will be selected soon to have the experience to do meditation in Under the supervision of specialists in Thailand.
Congratulations Marco! I'm so happy to see your name & looking forward to meet you in Thailand! Zafar please keep doing your IPT, consistency in the program is part of success.
congratulations for u both, very nice OPS and self-process;) !!.. I hope i can join u in this peace revolution awesome experience;) all my best!, PIPO, Manuela Pereira
I am happy to see that so many people in the world are looking for this peace within to make our planet peaceful. Congrats to the first selected Rebels: Julin and Marco. Although i just joined this worthy process but i am hopeful that with my consistent nature and prolonged effort, i will be there in Thailand...
@Jamaree Nonthatum, Respected are there any special requirements along with the meditation ..... any thing that helps us develop in a better way... that help us to bring a positive change.... any important suggestion.... Thanks in advance...
I do my practice daily but I enter the feeling after two days because of internet problem. Most of the time i try to enter my feelings in the self-development programme but it doesnt.May be some technical reason??
Muhammad, The key to meditation is the balance between easiness & mindfulness and of course you do your Inner Peace Time(IPT) daily with consistency & continuity along with the 42 days of self development program (which all activities provided are support to develop/cultivate & progress of your IPT).....So please keep practicing!
Introduction: Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day. The stockholders Peace Revolution are also celebrating Earth Day with Zeal and Zest to spread the message to maximum people Throughout the Globe.
Congratulations for those who have been selected for the first round, I hope to be selected too. Good work,
Congratulations!!! Felicitaciones!!!
I hope to be selected too! :)
See you soon :) David
Congratulations for you Julian and Marco .
Best wishes, Abeer
congratulations all of you how have won the game.
Congratulationssssss you all!!!!!!!!
Congratulations everyone! Welcome to the land of smiles!
Congratulation to all new winners of June 2010 Fellowship program.
Felicitaciones chicos!!!
Congratulations guys!! Keep on rocking with Peace Revolution!! :)
Congratulations to all peace rebels! :) PIPO
Raphaela from Brazil!
My warmest congratulations to all the first batch of winners...
Theresa from Philippines.
Congratulations Raphaela! See you in June!
Congratulation to all winners! You are making the word PEACE, a dream come true!
thats great the number is increase guys thanks.
Dear All, congratulation to scholars.
congrats all .
Oh, I cant wait to see all of you there :) Congrats to all :)
Dear all friends...
Very happy for you... I also want to join with you all :D...
congratulation to all participant, i will join you very soon
teach a man how to fish and don't give him fish,give a man peace and u find love,trust ,truth,understanding,respect,and you are far away from war,anger, aggression,death, violence etc....
Congratulation to you all,rebel's always remember that a life devoted to things is a dead life,a stump; a God- shaping life is a flourishing tree.GOD BLESSED YOU ALL AND I WILL JOIN YOU SOON
How will life and the society be without Peace.Peace gives true happiness,joy,freedom,love for each other, respect for humans life and property,refrain from sexual misconduct and alcoholic acts(my father is a good example whom this peace revolution has turned to his senses and made him to refrain from alcoholic habits).Since i met this peace revolution my life,family's life,community and friends life have become an awesome story to tell.My mother wishes that She could bring the best gift to offer to this peace revolution managers because of the joy it(peace revolution )brought especially to my family. Thank you peace revolution.I am owning this peace revolution a lot and i must not fail to tell my fellow youths how miraculous and important you(peace revolution)are to the World