Webmaster Peace Revolution
"You shouldn’t be alone when you are troubled.<br>Don’t cry by yourself<br>Until the day the world becomes one<br>We’ll hold each others hands all the way"<br><br>The land of the rising sun is currently enveloped in darkness. The recent catastrophe in Japan has destroyed properties, destabilized the economy, injured and taken away thousands of lives, and dampened the idealism of anyone who looks forward to a promising future. But the dawn of a new day is always in sight. Japan, graceful as it was before, is standing up with humility and patience worthy of our admiration. A country cannot withstand a disaster of such caliber without their homegrown values of diligence, perseverance, and sense of community heavily inculcated in its citizens. Japan has lost in ways immeasurable but hope, emanating from individuals, still lingers and endures.<br><br>Peace Revolution would like to invite all ‘peace rebels’ to share support to Japan in this time of need. We invite you to post inspiring songs or links of music that can help uplift the spirit of hope and camaraderie of our fellow brothers and sisters. You can post your suggestions here or on <a target="_blank" href="http://www.facebook.com/peacerevolution2010">our Facebook page</a>.<br><br>Times like these allow us to acknowledge how powerful nature and the world we live in is. It shows us how possessions, material or otherwise, can be fleeting and transient and therefore, should never be taken for granted. But these times also allow us to understand the power of humanity – of reaching out and making a difference. Let us stand together and let them know that they are never alone. Now is the time for the revolution of sharing and compassion to begin. <br><br>Japan, we are with you.