Bill Obulialia
this is an amazing article. it is the ultimate truth
How do you find inner strength? Do you just sit down when you’re stressed, close your eyes and find it? Unfortunately, it doesn’t work quite that easily.
Meditation is a long journey. It’s not all that comfortable as it seemed before we tried it. At first, you’ll be dealing with the monkey mind. It won’t like being still. Your body will be giving you troubles, too. As you start getting more comfortable in the position, you’ll encounter another challenge: the things you’ve hidden deep inside. They will start coming out on surface. We know we need to do this. In order to grow, we need to deal with all things we refused dealing with. Meditation makes us stronger, but it requires strength, too.
Without strength, you lack self-confidence. You don’t believe things are getting any better. You don’t believe you’re strong enough to make a change.
We’ll reach that peaceful place, eventually. If we keep putting in the effort, the results will come. The journey to that place, however, is long and bumpy. You won’t be comfortable on that road. Inner peace doesn’t come for granted. You know what? That’s the beauty of it.
When you’re ready to work for it, you should start building up on your inner strength. We’ll list 10 uncomfortable things you should do to get there.
1. Clarify the Worst-Case Scenario
You don’t like your job, but you can’t find the strength to quit? What’s the worst thing that could happen? That’s an uncomfortable vision to have, is it? Have you heard of the term affective forecasting? It’s about predicting how you’ll feel in the future. Your present feelings prevent you from imagining how bad something will feel when things go wrong.... Read more from our Peace Blog here.
this is an amazing article. it is the ultimate truth