Webmaster Peace Revolution

The First Bridge Has Been Built In Caucasus Region: Georgia Is On The Map

The first Bridge has been built in Caucasus region:

Georgia is on the map

Peace Revolution strives to bring peace to people all over the world. And in November 2014, for the first time, it visited the Caucasus region - Georgia. Peace Architects Ekaterina Kovina and Anca Iorgulescu organized meditation sessions in Tbilisi, the capital and largest city of Georgia.

Peace Revolution was warmly welcomed by the people of Georgia. The name of the project resonates with the social mood in the country.

At the present moment, Georgia faces some political changes: it stepped forward in terms of democracy and implemented many liberal reforms. The theme of Outer Peace is in the air. Many Youth organizations in Georgia dedicate their work to sustainable peace building and conflict transformation. Therefore the topic of the sessions was defined as Connection between Inner and Outer Peace.

To find organizations who would be interested in the event was not difficult, but to have enough participants in the limited time was not quite easy. Youth Space and Generation for Peace were two organizations that hosted 3 sessions at the National Parliamentary Library in Tbilisi. We were expecting a minimum of 100 participants, but due to the unpredictable Social protest, we could only gather around 60 people. It turns out that Georgian Youth is very active in politics and in searching new opportunities for development. So such events like demonstrations are common in Georgia.

The concept of Inner Peace, however, was totally new for the audiences. We received many questions such as: “Will I become indifferent after practicing meditation?” and “How can I implement meditation to work?” In general, meditation was accepted as a tool to achieve inner peace. But it is much more than that. Meditation can also improve the good qualities in each individual. One who practices meditation will become cleaner, more organized, more polite, and more punctual.

By sharing inner peace with Georgia, Peace Revolution has built a new bridge. The Bridge which creates new opportunities for self-development for others.