Edwin Muwanga
Amazing sharing. Very true peace is not necessarily the absence of war.
September 21st, 2014
The International Day of Peace which holds every year on September 21st was created by the United Nations since 1982 by resolution 36/37 of the UN’s General Assembly. On this day activities usually go on around the world to promote peace.
In Buea, Cameroon this year the initiative was solely organized by Peace Revolution Cameroon which engaged the government and other stakeholders to share knowledge on peace while still upholding this year’s theme “The Right of Peoples to Peace”. It was the only seminar of its kind that took place on that day in Buea.
The event brought together different speakers to share peace from their perspectives. The main speakers were South-West Human Rights Director (Mr Tambe Tiku), Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Muea, Regional Commissioner of Territorial Surveillance (Mr Atanga Richard Anagho) Peace Architect and Country coordinator of Peace Revolution (Molinge Henry Nyoki), Barrister from Shalom Legal Consultance (Jr David Molinge) and the Divisional Officer of Buea (Kuam Wokam Paul).
The opening speech was given by the organizer of the event (Molinge Henry) which followed suit with presentations of peace from the different perspective as well as the history and meaning of the International Day of Peace itself. Five Peace Revolution videos were used as interludes throughout the ceremony so as to teach a lot without talking much. I gave a practical presentation of peace at the end leading a 10 minutes meditation exercise as a tool to achieve Inner Peace which is the bedrock of true peace. One participant, the principal of Government Teachers Training College Buea said “I had a back pain before the practice but after the meditation, I did not feel it again”.
Furthermore, valuable contributions as well as questions and answers came from the audience which was mostly dominated by people of the press, civil society organizations, business executives, law enforcement authorities, government officials and the general public. Mr Tambe Tiku of the Human Rights dep’t and board member of Elections Cameroon (ELECAM) contributed “What we are embarking on as Human Rights is conflict prevention”.
At the end of the ceremony, the D.O of Buea gave an appraisal of the entire event and remarked “The young organizers of this event have put up a wonderful initiative. I will recommend that Peace Building should not be only for the international Day of Peace but everyday…that approach is people participating on the resolution of their problems so we don’t impose”.
In total, we were over 65 participants. Nine Peace Revolution T-shirts were offered in exchange of any amount. The money raised (90USD) was agreed instantly to be used to buy food to take to an orphanage as a sign of putting the Peace in Action. Other resource materials about meditation such as DVDs, stickers and brochures were shared free of charge to the public.
Also, Peace Revolution Cameroon’s sponsor which doubles as King David’s Square Hotel and Upper Muea Palace provided an after event refreshment as well as the hall and public address systems. No video coverage was made but media represented such as the state’s owned news paper, Cameroon Tribune, The Post, and radio stations like Radio Banakanda and Christian Broad Casting Service were there to cover the event amongst others.
At the end, one participant, Olive Mosoke, a graduate of Linguistics remarked, “The event was so enriching. I’m happy I did not miss it as I now know peace does not mean the absence of war”. The entire program aimed at sharing to commemorate the International Day of Peace lasted for 3 hours.
By Molinge Henry Nyoki
Amazing sharing. Very true peace is not necessarily the absence of war.
It was wonderful to be among government officials and all class of people in king David's Square muea Buea to celebrate worlds peace day . with peace we are all one and happy and i believe strongly that with peace revolution everyone will feel the impact of peace in their lives and communities .
Thanks to the presence of a very dynamic peace architect and crusader at the center of Africa,Cameroonian youths have been benefiting from a series of events in the form of workshops and seminars geared towards enhancing inner peace and building their knowledge base on trending issues relating to peace as well as ethical a moral perspectives that can add value to their lives as well as to those around them through the PIPO motto.One of such events took place on the 21st of September which is recognized the world over as the International Day of Peace.At the foot of mount Cameroon in a highly tranquil atmosphere and environment,peace lovers gathered for the first time in Cameroon under the umbrella of Peace Revolution not only to mark the event but equally to learn from experts and state administrators their own view points on peace related issues on GLOBAL DIMENSION.However,Peace Revolution Cameroon under the auspices of its coordinator,Peace architect Prince Molinge, drifted away from the traditional view of Peace as the absence of war through his eloquent and electrifying speech that highlighted the new version of Peace at individual level,INNER PEACE,pushed forward by the ideology of PIPO,with the view of spreading it to the world.Of great importance too was the fact that human rights experts opened our minds on our rights,how they can be protected and how we can avoid trampling on the rights of those around us.In a nut shell,the event brought together state authorities and youths,including other peace lovers to share ,interact and learn more on peace through peaceful coexistence and living in harmony for the common good of all.BRAVO PIPO CAMEROON!!!!!
That was wonderful I will like to join u people this year for the celebration
good i will like to be part this year
that was more than interesting.peace is the fundamental element for each country that needs to promote development. i'd like to join you this year.