Sade Shoalane Rabasha

Mind Power Much? Stuggling To Refrain From Succumbing To Sleep


 The daily entries have been few and far between for a while now.


Because the illusion of "peace that comes with sleep" has literally had me at a chokehold. Ive been really struggling with comminting myself - not only to the self development program but also to school work and almost life in general. Im not sure if this post is me asking for help - but I do know its helpful to post it :) 

I guess Im just letting whoever will read this that I will nOt be giving up any time soon(er or later).

I choose to perservere. 

I will gladly finish what I gladly started. 


Because its just what we have to do Sade.

Life is meaningless without perserverence .

Submitted on 11 Nov 2014 14:27