Samia Ahmed
Kenya, great to see your story here! Love you alot!!! Miss the passion in your words, dreams and lifestyle!
By Kenya Aline Rocha Monteirotasiya
A fellowship participant from Brazil joined Peace Revolution. She is interested in the concept of how meditation can develop the mind. She stated “meditating is nothing more than concentration, be at the center, relaxed and peaceful. There are techniques that exist and a teaching that goes beyond the spiritual quest but running through a field of science and psychology, because we are dealing with the human mind.”
Out of a hundred interviews, she was selected to join the fellowship in Thailand. The fellowship was a melting pot of 36 participants from 24 countries around the world. People from all walks of life come together to learn simple meditation in finding their inner peace. All of their opportunity and experience was simply started by registering a self-development program through the Peace Revolution website.
Kenya Aline Rocha Monteirob
Kenya, great to see your story here! Love you alot!!! Miss the passion in your words, dreams and lifestyle!
Samia, I love you my friend. Always so sweet. In my bloog have a Link to translate this text. Peace and Sabai...
Amazing story my friend.