Aura Monica Vicente
how can we find peace in materialism? to find peace in environment one must be connected and understand the essence of mother nature.
how can we find peace in materialism? to find peace in environment one must be connected and understand the essence of mother nature.
Hmmm oky, We can find peace in materialism and materialism means our materialistic needs. For example , we eat food to survive, we do sex sex for fulfil our sexual desires legally, we travel and need money to travel, there are lot of materialistic thing to require for human being. If we can not fulfil these then we will be perplexed and destroy our outer peace. So materialistic needs are necessary for sustainable peace. Thanks.
I agree but into some degree money is utmost important but true peace externally doesn't mean to live by with necessity needs but live beyond your needs. In Maslow hierachy of needs, achieving the most basic needs is the lowest form of self-efficacy and to be able to achieve the level of self-actualization or self-transcendental one must be at peace with inner self and your environment. Modern society can't change your lifestyle, technology can't change your lifestyle and the career we hold doesn't guarantee stability; however if you find that peace you long for in yourself and for your environment you will creatively find ways to survive. Nature provides what we need to survive. Jesus of Nazareth even emphasize this as well in Mathew 6:26, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Buddhism exemplify "simplicity" as a mean of lifestyle. You need to be reminded that our past ancestors do live without the things we had today but had able to survive life throughout decades of human evolution. "Appreciate your past, LIVE AT THE PRESENT MOMENT and do not look further at the future because future lies on the present my friend."
Aura, I totally agree with you. You know this era is belongs to modernization. People have become selfish and lost their values for humanity. They are indulged in materialism more then inner peace. If we think about our ancestors then were living a peaceful and happy life because they value the humanity and they had true and perfect reliance on God. They were satisfied even having no more facilities. In comparison to this present era is very difficult to live and we have to do endeavor to bring the people towards inner peace because they are now dependent and have no reliance. There is need of too much hard work.