Peace Revolution Online Learning Programs

Взгляните на наши всеобъемлющие и насыщенные онлайн-программы медитации, которыми пользуются более 25 000 человек по всему миру. Возможен бесплатный коучинг!

Что такое программа саморазвития?

Программа саморазвития — это опыт, который изменит жизнь тех, кто верит, что лучшее ME возможно. Если у вас есть какие-либо проблемы со здоровьем, отношениями, работой или богатством, пусть медитация и развитие привычек поразят вас!

Как это работает?

Наши программы саморазвития были тщательно разработаны с учетом этих элементов.

Видео с управляемой медитацией

Ежедневное видео для просмотра и пошагового выполнения инструкций по медитации.

Ежедневное размышление

Возможность следить за своим саморазвитием

Акты самодисциплины

Различные уроки о том, как избавиться от вредных привычек с небольшими ежедневными усилиями

Журнал медитации

Место для записи вашего собственного опыта медитации, где вы можете проконсультироваться со своим личным тренером мира, который будет наставлять вас на пути к саморазвитию.

Тренер мира (Peace Coach)

У каждого человека, который начнет нашу программу, будет спутник в его путешествии: Тренер Мира. Наши тренеры мира — опытные медитаторы, которые ежедневно и добровольно предлагают свое время, энергию, поддержку и знания тем, кто занимается нашей программой.

Special Ops

Get ready to embark on an incredible journey towards Inner Peace with Peace Revolution's Special Ops online. Engage in a guided meditation session led by a Peace Architect, a professional meditation guide, who will expertly navigate you through the realms of tranquility. This transformative experience includes a Q&A session and it's completely free! Don't miss out on this opportunity to ignite your inner calm and personal growth.

Available Self-Development Programs

Stress Management Program

*For tailored-made training for companies, please contact

You can reduce stress and prevent burnout as well as to transform anxiety and anger into resilience if you allow meditation and mindfulness be a part of your life. 7-day Free Trial is available today!

What People Think About Us?

SDP has helped in my daily life. There's this difference inner peace gives that makes you see life positively. SDP has propelled that for me

Phoebe Kareem


I love the program because it integrates many things. There is the meditation, the explanations about breathing, the tips to do it better and I love that each session makes me question everyday situations. I hope I become an expert in meditating because it seems to me an excellent way to find myself, to help others and to be a better human being for this crazy world.

Daniela Alfonso


For me it has been better than painkillers, I feel relaxed and relieved of thoughts, I worry less now and I stay more conscious of my mind now.

Oluwapamilerin Gbadebo


What an amazing experience this was. I couldn't imagine that just in four days so much can happen - new friends, new experiences, and new life. I definitely recommend this to everyone out there. This is your chance not only to see and learn something new about the world, but to discover yourself.

Sardor Shaahmedov


Today I am a young woman politician in the local government, founder of a peacebuilding NGO, and feeling great about my role in the society. All this happened, because 2 years ago I was taught the culture of "Letting go". So simple and at the same time difficult to achieve. Try it for yourself!

Eleonora Begoyan


It was a great opportunity to start my inner peace journey with the team of professionals. It was a travel not to an another country, but to another world where you are happy, all problems are gone and you enjoy a friendship with others and yourself.

Andrii Lytvynenko


One more time it reminded us that the best humanistic qualities are all hidden inside each and everyone regardless of nationality, religion, culture or traditions. People forget about them under the influence of different life circumstances. For me meditation is the best way to understand myself and others and remember the values. I feel so grateful for the Bridge Fellowship and those who have arranged all this for others. Incredible and amazing job!

Firuza Akram
