Corina Ajder

Application Not Submitted?

Dear Tech Support,

I submitted my application to the Jan retreat but my dashboard says "You have no fellowship application. Apply now!". Could you be so kind to check if you received it nevertheless? Thank you thank you :)



Submitted on 5 Sep 2013 03:24

Webmaster Peace Revolution

Dear Corina,

We do not receive your application in the database. Could you please submit the application form again?

If the problem persists, you may consider trying from another computer or from a different browser to see how it works.


Submitted on 5 Sep 2013 04:02 from Ariya App

Corina Ajder

Thank you,

I uploaded it now through another browser. I got the message that it was received - but on the dashboard it still says I did not submit it. Did it arrive?

Submitted on 5 Sep 2013 04:48 from Ariya App

Webmaster Peace Revolution

We have successfully received your application. It should be listed in your Dashboard now.


Submitted on 5 Sep 2013 06:11 from Ariya App